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"It's a fantastic. I am going to go to Bali Island and it will be free of charge again .....Yeeeeiiiiii!".

In my heart I was very happy because it had been a long time since I visited the island of Bali in 2002. As far as I could remember, the recreation together with the extended family of General Sudirman Junior High School when I was single on 2002. In February 2020, the big family of SMK Negeri Tempursari would hold a recreation to Bali Island. I didn't know what kind of program was that, but my feeling was that the Principal was going to transfer to a new place. So she held a recreation as a sign of goodbye to the teachers and employees of SMK Negeri Tempursari - Lumajang. I had not heard about the mutation news, but like previous experience, the joint recreation indicated that the Principal would be assigned to move to a new place. Once more, on February 2020, here in Indonesia there were not Covid-19 spread yet. The government had not announce for the country's Lock Down yet. So were still free to go anywhere in a goup of people.

"Mama, I'm going to Bali on 7th February tomorrow, but this is only for teachers and employees without their respective families." I said to my wife when we were at home.

"Is there any chance for us to join? Or we cannot bring all the family?". My wife asked seriously, because she really wanted to go out with the all of family.

"I am sorry. What can I do, that's already the boss's decision".

"Besides, if there is a family member want to join, we have to pay 800 thousand per person. So if everyone in our family comes along, how much will it be? 800 thousand times 6, that will be 4 million 800 thousand!! ". I said again.

"When do we have a recreation together again Abi?". Asked Honest, my first son.

"In shaa Allah, there will definitely be a time for all of us to enjoy recreation." I replied to the Honest with a little hope.

Once we had an experience having recreation with all of my family members, include my mother in law. We visited Jogya city in an event of SMKN Tempursari gathering. We were so happy that we could enjoy the jurney with all of family members. On day I was believe there would be the time like we had before. Allah is the Allmigty.

I thought that just going to Bali, I wouldn't bring a lot of money, and maybe I just brought 100 thousand was enough because everything will be covered by the school in Bali, starting from 3 meals a day include lodging. So I was not worried about all of that, one more thing, to buy some souvenirs, I think with 100,000 rupiahs was enough, I hope. I also prepared only 3 changed clothes and one "sarung" for doing praying. All of my stuff were packed in the small bag too. I didn't forget to bring a thick jacket because I knew the bus would be full Air Conditioned. I didn't like cool condition in the bus so I had to cover my body in order to be warm and I could sleep well later.

Friday, 7 February 2020 was the day of departure of SMK Negeri Tempursari' family to Bali Island. We were directed to gather in front of the Pasirian Village Hall, a place quite far from Tempursari. To be precise, the two places are in a different sub-district with a distance of about 60 kilometers, taken by motorbike for 1.5 hours and by car for about 2 hours.

Why should they gather at a place that is far distance from Tempursari? The answer is a large tourism's bus with a capacity of 45 people cannot enter the Tempursari sub-district, which location and road was under the hills. The road to get there was narrow and winding so it was impossible for large bus to pass through the road smoothly. Plus sometimes there were landslides in the hills and even a ravine on the other side when the rainy season comes.

GOES TO BALI IN CORONA 2020Where stories live. Discover now