Love At First Sight (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire)

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"Here  you go." the chasier said as she handed me my coffee. "Thanks" I said as I grabbed it and handed my money to the cashier. I turned around and headed for the door. All the sudden I rammed into something extreamly hard and spilled my coffee everywhere. "Oh my god, im so sorry!" I said before I even looked up to make sure it was a person. I looked up and saw a guy wearing a llama hat. "No that was my fault" He said helping me up off of my knees. I recognized his voice from somewhere but I just couldnt remeber where it was from. "Let me buy you another coffee" He said. Dan. It was Dan! Control yourself Emma....dont fangirl right in front of him....."No thats fine" I said trying to act normal. "No please let me, I feel bad" He said sweetly. It was Dan, i couldnt belive it! I had been watching his videos ever seince he made his first one. "Uh ok.." I finally stutterd out. "Great" he said as he smiled and walked over to take his order. After he paid for the coffee, he walked over and handed it to me. "I should get going" I said about to walk away "Thanks for this" I said slightly lifting the coffee he bought me into the air. "Your welcome, how about you come sit down with me and my friend? Unless you have somewhere to be." Did I have somewhere to be? My mind went completly blank. "I would love to, I dont have anything planned." "Awesome!" He said "My friend is sitting right over there, Im going to grab some napkins to try to clean this up" He said looking down and his white shirt which now had tons of coffee splatters all over it "Im so sorry, I could get you a new shirt if you want" I said laughing. "No thanks" He said smiling at me.

I went over to sit by his friend and I saw it was Phil. This was the greatest day of my life! "Hi Phil!" I said as i sat down on the opposite side of him in the booth. "Hi!" He said nicley even though he cleary had no idea who I was. Dan walked back over with a huge pile of napkins and threw them onto the table making then fly in all diffeant directions. "What happend to you??" Phil asked almost laughing. "She happend!" He said in a joking way as he grabbed a handful of napkins and scrubbed his white shirt, hoping to get the coffee stains off. "And who is she?" He said nodding his head towards me. "Care to inroduce yourself to Phil?" Dan said to me. "Im Emma" I said . He coud tell I was nervouse and he was trying really hard to make me feel more comfterble. "Nice to meet you Emma" He said smiling "So what happend??" He said looking at Dan. "Well I was going to get a spoon for your coffee, which I dont know why you couldnt have just drank it Phil..."He said acting annoyed. "Im sorry I just like to have it with a spoon! Any way....get on with how got coffee all over the shirt I just got you..." He said trying to act mad about it, but failing. "Ok, well I was going to get you your spoon and Emma was walking away with her coffee and we collided very hard as you can see" He said gesturing to his coffee coverd shirt. "And I felt bad that I spilled it everywhere so I bought her a new coffee and told to come sit by us" We sat at the booth for about an hour talking about random things. "I should problaby get home" I said eventually. "Yea we should too" Dan said looking at Phil. We walked out of the coffee shop and I said bye expecting them to be going the opposite way. We started walking and went the same way. "Where do you live?" Dan said. "Right there" I said pointing to a tall apartment building a few blocks away" "Thats where we live too!" Dan said. "Really? Thats amazing!" I said with a touch of fangirl in my voice "A little excited?" Dan said lauging. "Yea" I said a little emmbaressed "I just love you guys" "You've seen our videos?" Phil asked. "Yea, I've been watching both of you seince you make your first vidoes" "Really? Wow, well thanks for watching them!" Dan said.

We walked to the apartment building and we got to the elevator. "What floor are you on?" Dan asked getting ready to push the button. " "7" I said while searching thorugh my bag to grab my apartment key. "Us too!" He said. "What a coincadince" I said smiling. "That it is" He replied. He pressed the button and we headed up to the 7th floor. As  I finally dug my key out of the bottom of my bag, I looked up and saw Dan smiling at me, I wonderd if he could see how red my face was getting. After a few seconds of eye contact I smiled sheepishly and looked away. After I looked away the door to the elevator opened. "Ladies first" Dan said smiling as he held out his hands towards the door. "Well it was so great meeting you Emma!" Phil said as we all got out of the elevator. "So great" Dan said smiling at me. "It was great meeting you guys too!" I said happily "Bye!" I said waving over my sholder as I walked to my apartment.

Love At First Sight (Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire)Where stories live. Discover now