introduction - eulogy on broken strings

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for every strand of every string
tied by my own meticulous hand
an imprint was left upon my soul
once thought of as happiness, now only a brand

the whirlwind of chaos had seized hold of my form
and finally released me far away from all I'd known
the strings were stretched taut, yet I senselessly believed
they could withstand despite the distance, and I wouldn't feel alone

we grew out of the bonds which once encompassed friendship
tightly knit in loops of colored string now ebony black
each one unique to the relationship they held
once viewed as holding up the foundations, now only seen as holding us back

those strands have long since frayed and snapped
no turning back to view the past
I choose now to focus on the present
living in the moment at last

a tribute is well called for by now
to all those who had slowly been lost to me
and to the ephemeral moments of rapture we shared
a panegyric of sorts to every absentee

this eulogy on broken strings
for closure, among other things

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