Orange leaves and hot chocolate [SoniaxChiaki]

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~3rd POV:

"Chiaki dear, would you like to join me on a walk to the park?" Sonia spoke as she softly ran her fingers through Chiaki's hair, "Sure, just let me finish this level first" The gamer spoke with a small pout, Sonia laughed and nodded her head as Chiaki sat on her lap, trying to get past a level in one of her games.

"Yes!" Chiaki exclaimed, putting her arms up in the air, "pog!!" She said as she turned around and looked at Sonia, Sonia smiled, "Yes!! Pog champ!" Sonia said as she hugged Chiaki, they both giggled as Sonia let go.

Chiaki climbed off of Sonia and went to go put on a jacket, it was the middle of Autumn so it was kind of chilly and the two girls didn't want to get a cold. Sonia followed behind as she grabbed her jacket as well, "ready to go?" Sonia said to Chiaki as the gamer nodded her head and smiled.

~small time skip~

Sonia and Chiaki both put their hands out and watched as leaves slowly fell on their palms, the cold damn leaves made both of them shiver but they didn't want to let go of the orange and yellow leaves. The two looked at each other and giggled, smiling as they gently set down the leaves as the two kicked around the leaves, smiling and giggling as their backs bumped into each other, both of their heads quickly swung around as they both apologized and giggled, looked at each other with a soft smile, Sonia slowly put her hand on the back of Chiaki's head and around her waist while Chiaki put both of her hands around Sonia's waist, the two pulled into a soft kiss, soft, warm lips against the other as the two smiled in the kiss.

The two ultimates happily pulled away as rain started to slowly pour, Both girls immediately pulled their hoods up, "We should go into that cafe for now Sonia!" Chiaki said as she pointed to a cafe, Sonia nodded in agreement and the two ran to the cafe, a little drenched from the sudden heavy rainfall.

Once the two girls got inside they took off their hoods and smiled, gentle, nice music was playing in the background as the two could hear soft cups clinking and people talking from here and there. "Want anything Sonia?" Chiaki said while she looked at Sonia with a smile, "oh if you wouldn't mind, I would like a hot chamomile tea please!" Sonia said with a soft smile, Chiaki nodded her head and went over to the counter as Sonia found a nice corner by the window seat for two.

~small time skip~

Sonia waved and Chiaki slightly gasped and ran over to where Sonia was, smiling as she gave Sonia her tea, soon after sitting down. "What did you get my love?" Sonia said while taking a sip of her tea, smiling as she watched the steam fly away with the gentle wind coming from outside the cafe, "Hot chocolate!" Chiaki said as she giggled, sipping her hot coco. The two laughed and looked out the window, smiling as they chatted about random things.
Swag! So I wrote this for: Imherebois !! I hope you like it :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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Danganronpa one shots!~ Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora