Meeting The Marionette

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In a restaurant full of energetic little kids and fun attractions to see, there were three animatronics on stage singing songs that they were programmed to sing. There was also an attraction where kids could mess with an animatronic fox that by now looked beyond repair. Let's not forget the Game Area, where most enthusiastic game-loving children would likely be at! In the area were not only games, but a humanoid animatronic who gave away balloons. He would turn his head to stare at kids who passed by and say, "Would you like a balloon?" Most of the kids would answer with a simple 'no' as they went to play. Occasionally however, one or more would say 'yes!' and the humanoid would give them whatever balloon color that they'd like. After they run off, clutching their new balloon in their hand, the humanoid would just watch them go with a permanent grin on his face. But deep inside, he felt empty, cold and mostly alone. Not many kids ask him for a balloon and......Well, he was the most hated in the crew. Every time when the others had a chance, they would tease and insult the poor boy. He never actually attacked the night guard and his 'unique' design made a good reason for the others to point and laugh. But, there was one who has never said a harsh word to him, one who's never teased him and altogether, never really talked to him. That was the Marionette. Of course, Balloon Boy, the humanoid, has never seen or talked to it, so he didn't know that it existed until one night......Before night shift started.

Balloon Boy's system urged him awake and he darted his eyes across the dark room. He was used to the dark, but it gave him an eerie feeling regardless, he didn't know why. It could be because of his sensitive color sight, which only allowed him to see bright colors(also black and white) or maybe because he was used to the daytime more than the night. But then again, he wasn't sure if it could be those exact reasons. With a quick glance, he left the Game Area, eagerly roaming around the restaurant like usual. He liked to look at the others areas, they just fascinated him.

One area seemed to catch his robotic eye as he looked around; the Prize Corner. It had many prizes for the kids who gave in their tickets. But that wasn't what really made Balloon Boy observe the area, it was the giant box in the corner. What was it doing there anyway? Surely for decoration? Or...- Suddenly, the humanoid's sound sensors detected movement in the box and he started to approach it. Whatever was in there must be something for the kids or probably another attraction? Balloon Boy opened the box just enough for him to see what was inside. He kept himself from gasping and merely stared at what was inside, a black-ish slender-like figure who resembled a puppet was in a sitting position looking up at the humanoid. It's small white pupils glowing bright as it scowled at him and said in a voice that echoed, "What do you want?" Balloon Boy continued to blankly stare at it until it stretched upwards towards him. The humanoid took a step back from the box and watched as it poked it's head out of the box and gave a glare. "Don't peek in here unless you're given permission to do so!" It said angrily. "Oh. Sorry." Balloon Boy looked down in guilt. "I didn't know you were in there..." The Marionette rolled it's eyes. "Suuure.." Balloon Boy took a moment to be in silence, then looked at the puppet figure and tried his best to be polite. "So, er.....What's your name? I've never actually seen you before."

"I'm the Marionette. You've probably never took the time to explore here 'till now, I bet."

"Yeahh...What do you do here?"

"Give out gifts during the day. At night, I just stay in my box 'till I don't hear my relaxing tune anymore." It pointed at the music box.

"Oh...Don't you do anything else?"

"No. But that should be of no concern to you."

"Do the others know that you're here?"

"Yes. But, they don't come around often and usually the only one who comes here a little more often than the others is that mangled fox."

"You mean Mangle?"


Balloon Boy attempted to grin wider than his permanent grin, but failed and decided to express his happiness through words. "That's great! We both seem to have something in common!" He happily jumped up and down in excitement like a little child would when he/she would receive a gift that they always wanted. "Do you want to be friends with me?"

The Marionette lazily shrugged. "I'm not one who'd except friendship easily, Billy." Balloon Boy's happiness faded and turned not into sadness but shock. "H-how did you know my nickname..?" He asked. "The others tend to talk about you more than you think and I listen to their conversations when they pass by." The Marionette replied, holding his hand over his mouth and yawning. Balloon Boy sighed and glanced away from it, obviously disappointed. "So....You know about me?" The Marionette nodded. "As much as I heard." The humanoid sighed much deeper and then shifted his gaze back to the Marionette. "Is that why you're not accepting my friendship?" It shook it's head and started to sink back into the box. Before it did, it said, "Not exactly. I don't know why the others hate you so much anyway." Then at that moment, Balloon Boy realized he may have a chance to become friends with the Marionette. He would just have to try his best and be his nicest to it. Then he would never be alone ever again.

No. He'd have a friend, to forever stay by his side.

✘Waiting For A Friend✘ ( Balloon BoyXMarionette )Where stories live. Discover now