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Blackness stretches as far as the eye can see. Tiny dots of light are interspersed throughout the inky void. I've been staring out the port hole into space for quite some time now wondering how long until we land. I'm currently aboard a space-battle cruiser from the planet Zzeron. The crew consists of many humanoid creatures, but only a handful are actually human. I am one of the four humans that call this place home. We eat, sleep, bathe, and train here, only docking when we need supplies or need to unload prisoners of the intergalactic treaty. The year is 16499. My name is Arya Cruz, I'm 17 years old, and I am one of the youngest Intergalactic Police Force, IPF, recruits ever.

Making my way to the main deck making my way to stand in front of my assigned seat next to the commanding officer. "Morning Sir!" I salute holding absolutely still with my shoulders back and my eyes forward, "officer Cruz reporting for duty! Ready and willing to assist in the transfer of the prisoners in custody Sir!"

"At ease rookie," he gruffs out eyeing me with an amused smirk, "How many times do I have to tell you, just because I'm your commanding officer doesn't mean you have to salute me every time you report to me. Unless I'm in the company of other commanding officers. You are my rookie and it's my job to show you the ropes but I can't do that and follow protocol to a T."

"Yes Sir, sorry Sir," I mumble as I relax and take my seat.

"And please, on this ship it's just Rexin, you don't have to keep calling me Sir it makes me sound old!" He lets out what I assume is meant to be a chuckle, but sounds more like a wheezing shriek.

No its not that hes old, my communicator doesnt translate gutteral noises like laughs and growls. You see, he's a Zzeronian.

They have the general body shape as humans but their skin is much tougher. With six fingers on each hand four eyes and no teeth. They eat fruits that when ripe turn to mush when exposed to their saliva. It's not toxic or acidic, it just has a special chemical that breaks down fruit from their planet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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