The Interview

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~Kasai's POV~

My name is Kasai. I'm 14 years old and an orphan. I've lived alone for a year now. This story is about how I met a couple of intriguing friends and how that faithful encounter turned into disaster.

It was a Thursday in Winter, and I was walking home from school. My school is... interesting to say the least. As I'm walking home, I see a man on the sidewalk. He had fallen, so I rushed to help him. "Are you okay?" I asked as I'm helping him up. "Ah, yes I'm fine now. Say, might you be interested in a job?" "Um. Sure?" 'What is this man on? I just met him and he's offering me a job? I mean, I need one but damn. The gods are really out here calling me out.' I think. "Come by my lab for an interview later," He hands me a paper with an address on it. "Uh alright, see ya."

I get home and decide to take a bath. Not a regular one though. I can't take a regular one. My element is fire, so I have to take lava baths. Lava baths are the best. I hop in the bath and lay down to relax. An hour passes, I get out and get clothes on. I put a nice suit on and head out for the interview. On my way, I rehearse and plan out everything. I've never been in an interview before so, I was quite nervous.

The place looked crazy. It was massive with Redstone powered doors. There was a robot at the front desk. "Hello!" The robot spoke.

The Robot: "I am Geo!" I work for Professor Dei."

Kasai: "Who is Professor Dei?"

The Man: "I am."

I see the man emerge from one of the dark rooms.

Kasai: "I'm Kasai. Nice to meet you."

Dei: "Now that introductions have been made, let me show you around the place."

Kasai: "Alright. After you."

Dei: "Do you have any experience with chemistry, potions, experiments, or anything of that sort?"

Kasai: "No sir."

Dei: "No matter. That's ok. I won't be needing you to do anything too difficult."

Kasai: "Okay? So what will I be doing exactly?"

Dei: "Checkups basically."

Kasai: "Okay, okay."

Dei: "I may need you to do other things as well however, I will explain when the time comes."

Kasai: " So, will I be able to watch you work? I mean, it seems interesting."

Dei: "Ah, my job? It's nothing special but occasionally, I'll allow it."

Kasai: "Ooh. How much do you pay?" *thinks* Money, money, money!

Dei: "10,000 diamonds a day."

Kasai: "God DAMN! You sure? That's an awful lot."

Dei: "Of course child. I understand that it seems like much but, with this job it's perfect."

~They start walking around for the tour~

Dei: "This is the main room. You will get what you need here."

Dei: "This is the subject area."

Kasai: "Subject?"

Dei: "You will check up on them every day."

Kasai: "A-alright."

Dei: "This is the lab, I'm mostly in here if you need me."

Dei: "And in here is forbidden. You are not- under ANY circumstances- allowed in here."

Kasai: "What's in there?"

Dei: "Don't worry about it."

Dei: "My office is over there and I believe that's all."

Kasai: "Do I have the job..?"

Dei: "No."

Kasai: "Then why am I still here?!"

Dei: "Calm down. Calm down. I'm kidding."

Kasai: "Fuck you."

Dei: " It's getting dark. You should get home child."

Kasai: "See ya tomorrow I guess."

Dei: " Good bye!"

Geo: "Goodbye ****"

Kasai: "What...?"

Dei: "Apologizes. He must have malfunctioned. You go on ahead home."

Kasai: "Ok..."

A/N: Changed it a bit

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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