Chapter one

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"We'll be back in a bit." Said Damian. I just grunted and turned towards the wall, returning to my thoughts that no one ever acknowledged. I was humming a song we used to sing out at sea, one of my minimal hobbies.

I was in a corner when he approached me. He was physically in his twenties, which would be much older than I am, yet I have been around for much more time.

You see, I'm a vampire. Heck, we all are here. My name is Ember, and I am physically sixteen years old. I'm actually nine hundred eighty six.

I'm the oldest here, yet no one sees me in that way. I actually found and created this safe haven in the first place, though it's been such a long time I don't believe anyone actually remembers. I think that because I happen to be a girl, the ones stuck in the past still think that men are the superior gender. Such bullshit is what creates most problems in life (please excuse my language, I don't swear often, it just angers me to a great extent).

There are at least a hundred of us here, all different ages. There are a few others my physical age, but I don't fraternize with those who still believe in finding the amulet, though not many of us do. There are a few of us, such as Damien, and while he still believes in the slightest that it could happen, he's been my best friend for an extremely long time. There is also Gregory, though he has a habit of feeding off humans, which isn't my jam, and I almost never speak with him. When I do though, I seem in a seemingly brighter mood. Then there's his younger sister, Anna, who is honestly one of the most adorable children I know, though she and her family (besides Gregory) still believe in finding the amulet. And finally we get to my literal best friend, Raegan. She is my physical age, though is really one hundred fifty three. She no longer believes in finding the amulet, and

I heard someone approaching me, and recognized those foot patterns.

"Hello, Anna." I said with a small smile. Anna was a seven year old girl physically, but actually was two hundred and thirteen. She and her family joined our clan about fifty years after their turn. Anna had always been somewhat of a runt in our clan, so the other children hadn't been as nice to her. I think she thinks of me as a big sister.

She came and sat on my lap.

"What are you doing, Amber?" She asked.

"Sitting and thinking." I said to her, resting my head upon hers.

"Oh. Do you want to play? Me and Rudolph were going to play hide-and-seek but we need someone else." She said, looking up at me with those red puppy eyes she had learnt got her whatever she wanted from me.

"Don't give me that look. You learnt that look from me, didn't you?" I said, trying to change the subject.

"You know that is correct, and I know you are changing the subject." She said with a smirk. I mentally cursed her intelligence. "So yes, or no?"

"Fine, but as long as I start. And we have to get a few others involved." I said smiling a bit.

By now she was grinning from ear to ear and she hopped up. She grabbed by hand and dragged me over to the group of children.

"Guys she said yes!" Said Anna. The other children smiled and got up. "And she's it, so we gotta go!"

"I'll give you five seconds." I said. I closed my eyes and started to count out loud.

I could hear them all scurrying to find some good hiding places in the labyrinth-like crypt that was our home. I heard a few of the adults chuckle and address some of the best hiding spots.

When I got to five, I called "ready or not, here I come!" And ran off in search of the kids.

One by one I found them. Some of them hid in coffins, on the ceiling, as bats in holes, and once I even found one of them under their mother's shall. While it was still on her!

"Come. On. Where is Anna!" I said in frustration. She was the only one I hadn't found yet.

I heard a small noise from somewhere behind me. I turned around and found one of our male vampires talking to Frederick. I immediately understood.

"Hello William, Frederick." I said, nodding my head towards the two. They said hello, though William seemed to be smiling a bit more than usual.

He had always liked spending time with the children, though he had never gotten the chance to have his own. Now he tended to help them hide in games, or read stolen books to them before bed. Some of the children didn't have their parents since they weren't with them, so William was like a father to them.

"Tell me, have either of you gentleman seen Anna?" I asked.

Frederick acting worried, and William tried to act coi, though I wasn't buying it.

Again I heard a noise, only this time I could pinpoint it. I reached up and took William's top hat off and found a small bat I recognized as Anna.

"Found you!"

She flew out of the top hat and transformed back into a human.

"Awe darn. I'm assuming I won though?" she said.

"You would be correct!" I said with a smile. She looked really happy.

"I have to go, but don't let that stop you!" I said. "Maybe William will play with you!"

"Yeah! Will you?"

"Alright then." said William with a smile.

She grabbed the man's hand and dragged him off to the group of children.

I walked off to 'my room' and over to the bookshelf I had built from spare wood I had been able to take. I had built quite a few things like that for other members who weren't quite familiar with building.

I pulled out my most recent journal and flipped to a blank page. Instead of a coffin I have a rope hammock, not unlike the ones at sea. I sat down on it, pulled the pen from its elastic holder, and began to write in my slanted handwriting.

'Today I didn't do too many productive things, though I did play hide and seek with Anna. She ended up winning, and seemed very happy, which I guess could be considered as something productive. Again I've been left out from our searches, though tomorrow it will change. Not again will I be ignored when I created this safe haven for them. Food for thought, if nothing is permanent, then that also means death, or rather undeath (if that's even a word), isn't either. Anyway, I'm thinking I might sneak out and take a new book from the library (definite signs i'm bored).


Alright, first chapter! Gonna keep writing, though I have no idea when I'm gonna update it next

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Alright, first chapter! Gonna keep writing, though I have no idea when I'm gonna update it next. 1196 words. Edited

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