~Part 1~

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Y/n- your name


I was in the Gryffindor common room, reading on the windowsill as Hermione came down the stone steps followed by Harry. Ron had been sitting next to me, trying his best to work on his new Defense Against the Dark Arts homework the new professor had given us on our first day back. I had almost snapped at her several times during the class period but I decided it would be best to hold my tongue.

"Y/n! Ron! We were just looking for you," Hermione says joining Ron and I. Ron had been sitting in a chair beside the window I was sitting in.

Hermione plopped down on a chair opposite Ron as Harry took a place on the floor with his legs crossed.

"Hey Mione," I say not bothering to look up from my book.

"Why do they make everybody take muggle studies," Harry asks suddenly.

"They don't," Hermione says irritably.

"What?" Says Harry looking quite confused.

"It's an elective Harry," she replies.

"Then why am I taking it?" Harry asked.

"I have no idea," Ron pipes in, dropping his quill on top of his textbook. "This stuff is bloody confusing."

"What subject," Hermione asks, looking at the book open on Ron's lap.

"D.A.D.A," Ron spelled out, running a hand through his burning red hair.

"The pink lady sure is unbearable isn't she," I say putting my book down at my side. I looked to Harry but he was staring at the ground.

"What is all this rubbish," Ron says holding his book in the air and shaking it.

"It looks like a second year wrote it with all the bloody pictures in it," I say.

"You really shouldn't call her the pink lady," Hermione says and I scoff.

"Why not," I snap.

"Because she a professor,"Mione says irritably. "She could put you in detention and take points away if she hears you."

"She won't hear me, she isn't in the common room," I roll my eyes and hop off the windowsill, clutching my book in my hand.

"Just please don't say that around school," Hermione says. "I don't want you to get in trouble."

"Fine, I won't," I promise. "But that won't stop me from calling her other things."

I smirk and Hermione scowls at me, standing up from her chair. She announces she will be in the library if anyone needs her and Ron, Harry, and I watch her go. 

"What are you two up to now," I ask, turning to Harry and Ron.

"Nothing," Harry says.

"Not a clue," says Ron looking hopelessly down at his homework. "I sure as hell am not doing this for another hour."

"Don't blame ya," I say and think about the pile of homework identical to his, sitting on my bed. I groan, knowing I'll have to pull it out before the weekend ends. I decide to have some fun before buckling down, and getting work done.

"Want to go to Hogsmead," I ask and the two boys look up at me, smiles on their faces.

"Care for a butterbeer Harry," Ron asks and they both leap off their chairs, following me down the moving staircase and out of the castle.

Once we enter the Three Broomsticks, Harry goes to the counter to get out drinks as Ron and I find a table in a corner. We sit down and are soon joined by Harry.

A Deadly Secret-A George Weasley fanficWhere stories live. Discover now