Why At Night?

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^I really don't know how to start this out 😂 ^


"Yes mom?"

"Sleep, don't worry about anything,"

"But what about that knock on the door-"

"Don't worry about that, we'll handle it."

I went to my room in a hurry. Something was fishy. I fell asleep when suddenly I heard a slice, a scream, and my dad rushing into my room.

"Valencia, no time to explain, get in here."

Dad revealed a secret floorboard that I could fit in. I went inside when dad said, "Valencia, when it is morning, cautiously walk to my room, and open up the journal on my bed. It explains everything,"

Read a journal? Couldn't they just.. tell me? I decide to not ask any questions, and simply reply. "Okay."

I hid when I heard a big thud and a slice and another thud.

"Alright, let's go men, these people shall be blamed for me. TAKE THE CORPSES!" A croaky evil voice said while men cheered. 'Corpses'? Were mom and dad... dead?


I went to dad's room next morning and opened up the journal as he directed.


Someone was accusing us for stealing and dealing drugs, so someone killed us, We wrote this before We died so you could understand. Please, go to the temple of the dragon, stay there, and find a way to live. If you stay here, Warren and his men will find and kill you too. Stay safe. We will always love you.

-Dad and Mom'

I was crying.

I took the journal as I ran back to my room. I collapsed on my bed thinking what to do next. I grabbed 2 bags, one for food, etc. and the other for a small pillow and blanket and that could fit other things I needed.

I packed up quickly and went to the Dragon Temple. Boy it sure is big.

I headed inside and found a room I could stay in. Gee, I really wish this didn't happen at all. I wish I could absolutely destroy whoever those men were... but I can't. Who were they? Why my parents? I want to just punch the wall or break something to get my anger out... but no. I will stay strong... for my mom and dad.

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