Oneshots that i forgot to publish

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Series of Oneshots again......

Hii! So basically i made this last week and i forgot to publish this cause i was busy doing stuffs for school and....

Lowkey wanna show you all my library (in wattpad) but i guess i shouldn't cause its not even important right?

Enjoy! Love you all mwuahh!!

"Flirty guy" 

Jungkook's P.o.v

"Hyung i want burger and fries" i said while i sip some of my drink

"Okay. How about you tae?" Hyung ask that guy i rolled my eyes i thought its me and hobi hyung only i didn't thought he would bring this guy here

"ill just have the same" taehyung said and hobi hyung went away to order

Now we two were left now standing

"Hey" i heard taehyung i looked at him not in the mood


"Can i have some?" He ask and grab my drink before drinking oj it i widened my eyes

"Yah! That's mine!" I shouted

"It's good" he said and smirked

"Give it back!" I said while reaching it from him but he quickly  raise his long  hand to the air so that i can't reach it

"Don't you have manners? You should buy yourself your own drink and not stealing others food" i said and rolled my eyes

He just chuckled like it's not even a big deal for him 

One dot and ill kill this guy right now right here

"Give it back now" i said

He chuckled before saying

"Give me a kiss first" he said and pointed to his cheecks

I widened my eyes and i can feel that my face heated

I shrugged it off and pretend he didn't say it

I grab my drink from his hands before rolling my eyes to him

"Just a simple kiss but won't give to me" he said 

"I don't even like you what makes you think ill kiss you for real?" I said and sip to my drink

"You just drink to that after i took a sip from it" he said which made me choke on my drink

"What?! Argh just take it  i don't like it anymore" i said pretending to be disgusted at it

He chuckled a bit before grabbing my wrist and pulling me closer to him

My face heated up cause his face is just  inches away from me

He went closer and closer to me and his gaze went on my lips

He smirk i frozed when he was bout to kiss but--

"Here's your order now!!" We pulled away from each other when Hobi hyung is back from getting our order

I touch my cheecks i was blushing madly good thing hobi hyung didn't saw it

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