Y/n's Prologue

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It's been a long night, my real job doesn't start till the afternoon so I should have enough time to sleep and eat. I think my gauntlets could use a touch up though, busted the brace on the knuckles against that concrete pillar down the street, maybe a stronger metal?

All of these thoughts went through my head as I used my mixture of web shooters and air pressure boots to launch and swing my way through good old New York, I've been sighted once or twice but most of the time the news shrug it off as a rumor or a hoax. Yet the NYPD know full well I exist, due to the whole criminals telling them a weird demonic looking blur came at them and knocked them out.

I swiftly leap into my backyard, making sure none of my neighbours are awake at this time of night before getting into my small home.

After getting in, I remove my gauntlets, body armor, boots and helmet. Placing them onto my workbench for later repair and collapsed onto my couch... can't help but remember why I became the Spider-Bat.

I think back to when I was 16, just employed and getting full grades in school, and a heavy fan of comic books of all kind. The days seemed to just blend together but I didn't mind, it was normal.

That was until my house was raided by a bunch of hired thugs, due to certain family problems it turns out someone wanted my entire bloodline DEAD, too bad for them I wasn't at the house that day, too bad for me I wasn't there to at least attempt to save my family. But even if I tried they were already at other family member's places, so no matter what I'd still lose family.

After the day of my bloodlines destruction, I was hunted, on a constant. I could barely even breath without a blade to my throat. And so I fought back, using the money I saved up I became the Spider-Bat, inspired by my fictional heroes to not only avenge my family, but to also make my life easier to live.

Then after a year of hunting down the hired thugs and getting info, and maybe break their bones a little, I had found their "King Pin" in his dingy hideout, turns out one of my parents accidently pissed him off by buying the last bottle of his favourite juice at the store, which for some reason caused me to become a god damn orphan to an empty bloodline. I wanted to kill the bastard but I was fully commited to the whole Batman Spider-Man deal, so instead I robbed him of his riches... what? If I wanna be Batman I gotta have cash!

From that point on I made upgrades to the suit, added boots that could let out sudden bursts of pressurized air that could launch me well up into the air, a pair of web shooters with low tier web fluid and a harness that makes it so my arms won't be ripped off when I swing from them.

That brings me to today, eating a packet of crisps on my couch with WandaVision playing and barely holding onto my awareness as I nodded off.

I woke up to my alarm going off, at first I freaked out because I have an alarm set for uncommon events, say a super villain shows up, it'll go off. But of course it was just an alarm telling me that work wants my ass down there now.

And so now I'm stuck at my workplace, and yes, it's a Mc'Donalds and yes, it is one of the most crowded ones in all of New York but luckily for me I just sit in the back and watch the security cameras, an odd job I know but you'd be shocked by how many people used to try rob this place... USED to.

On my way home from my shift I dropped by the comic book store, grabbed the latest Marvel issue and went home.

"I am so having a lazy night" I said to myself as I unlocked the door. Most of my lazy nights consist of not fighting crime which mostly doesn't matter due to criminals being terrified that I'm lurking in all corners. I just repair my gear and chill for the night and so this time, I'm just gonna read the new issue and relax.

"Huh, Spider-Gwen. It seems like they decided to continue the weird mega goblin storyline with her series" I thought loudly. Marvel had made a story line where Green Goblin was jumping dimensions to steal the blood of each Spider character, last issue he was being chased by Spider-Man after stealing Spider-Ham's blood, guess he's after Gwen's now.

I open the comic and read through the pages, Green Goblin finds Gwen and the Mary Janes preforming in a garage and that causes Gwen to run out and get dressed up for a fight. Later on Gwen shatters a few of Green Goblins blood vials which causes him to have to go to even further dimensions, and so now Gwen and Peter team up to follow him through the dimensions, they drop through a noir one for a bit before going to one called Earth-1218... wait.

My phone began to buzz violently with a big red warning skull on it.

"Oh god..." I say quietly as I leaped to my workbench and turned on the emergency news reports. And just as I suspected... I'm going to have to get my gear fixed fast and throw on the new upgrades pronto. No matter how much of a prototype they are.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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