The Bite-chapter 11

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The bite-chapter 11
(Slight trigger warning for this chapter: bullying, mentions depressive thoughts)
Recap-"After a while, they all decided to go back to the common room because (1 there was nothing else to do in the R.O.R. Plus Harry wasn't having fun anymore."

As the group of teens glumly walked back to their respective houses Harry just looked at his feet. None of the Slytherins talking creating an awkward tension between them. Then finally Draco broke his silence

"Hey Harry I'm sorry I didn't know that the photo would upset you so much" Draco said. Harry sighed and looked at the chaotic blonde "I-it's fine I shouldn't be this upset over him" the raven-haired boy said

They all smiled "hey you have an invisibility cloak right?" Pansy asked out of nowhere "yeah why?" Harry responded with. To which pansy smirked, "we could get a little revenge on the weasel," she said causing the boys to look at each other "Sure why not I'm in all though thinking about this in a strategical way we should take a few days or so to plan this" Harry said with an evil smirk

"your right we need time to gather info and make sure we don't get caught so that means we'll have to find out the Gryffindor schedule" Blaise said to which they all agreed and collectively decided to head to bed so they can put their plan into motion.

Harry woke up and stretched with a yawn 'today should be fun. Gods, why did I agree to this crazy plan?' Harry thought sarcastically but never the less he got up. Harry grabbed his clothes, showered, and tried to tame his hair. Once he finished his morning routine he headed down to the great hall.

After a few minutes, he was joined by Blaise, Draco, Theo, and pansy. The bob-haired girl slid next to Harry "so I heard that Slughorn's decided to go home and Snape is going back to potions and dumbles is getting a new defense teacher" pansy whispered with a smirk. Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically "huh wonder who it is" Harry wondered aloud. But he just shrugged it off and ate some cereal and headed off to class.

It was now noon and Harry had a defense. He sighed and walked into the classroom. When he looked up he was shocked to see Remus standing in front of the desk. Harry blushed but quickly looked away as he made his way to a desk in the back.

Lupin smiled at the class once everyone filled in and took their seats. The older wolf cleared his throat "welcome back class I am professor lupin and I'm here to teach for another year as you all know he-who-must not be named was defeated this past summer but you all still need to finish your education so we will start with a bogart to see where exactly you are" he said with a smile as he wrote on the chalkboard.

"Right then," he said smiling "May Harry please come to the wardrobe I hope you improved," Remus said smiling softly at Harry as the boy approached the wooden wardrobe. Harry took a deep breath and nodded at lupin. He smiled and released the boggart. The boggart started to spin and soon it turned into a werewolf growling and snarling Harry's eyes widened in fear
"r-ridiculous!" He shouted soon the wolf turned into a puppy with purple tap shoes and a pink bow. This caused the class to laugh loudly. Lupin quickly put on a smile and clapped his hands "very, very well done Harry now you may sit down" the older wolf said catching eye contact with Harry to show concern. Harry smiled then walked to his seat as class carried on.

Harry managed to get through the rest of his classes without a problem so now it was dinner he wasn't exactly in the mood to deal with his friends' questions but he didn't want to be rude "Harry are you okay? You looked genuinely scared in defense today" Draco asked softly grabbing Harry's shoulder. Harry looked at his friends seeing nothing but concern for him in their eyes

"y-yeah just wasn't expecting that I mean I knew it'd be something to do with my lycanthropy but not that" Harry explained poking at his food. Pansy sighed "I don't blame you Harry but look at what I snatched today," she said happily pulling a Gryffindor timetable "Woah how'd you get it?" Blaise asked "Hermione," the raven-haired girl said with a smirk

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