The moon

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The moon. The moon was the first thing Will Graham saw whilst taking his plunge to the salty depths. It was clear out tonight, only a small cloud attempting to cover the mighty rock; as if the heavens were shining down upon him. He heard nothing but the sound of wind roaring in his ears as gravity took a pull on him.

Will looked at his companion that he was clinging to, Hannibal Lecter. The man was covered in blood, the moon making his silhouette look almost God-like, almost as if it is showing Will the others true form; which is pure magnificence.

Truthfully, Will didn't know how he felt about Hannibal, whether he despised the man are had pure adoration for him, most likely a mixture of the two. But he knew this was the correct decision, even if it meant to end both of their lives.

He could picture their corpses washing upon some random shore, most likely getting found by some innocent civilians. Will knew it was unlikely that the two mens bodies would be together, the current would probably pull them apart, but he found the thought comforting nonetheless. He could imagine Jack, Price, and Zeller analyzing the bodies, trying to figure out what exactly happened. How would Jack react to his death? Or Molly and Walter for that matter?

Will hadn't put much thought into it. He knew the worse was likely going to happen when he went off with Hannibal, but he didn't expect the night to end like this. The image of Molly and Walter dressed in black, standing over his coffin put a pit in his stomach. And Jack would most likely blame himself, like he did with Mirim Lass. Will felt slightly selfish for going with Hannibal, letting his own temptations take over his logical judgement.

Deep down, Will craved Hannibal, even when he was with Molly. He felt awful for it, but couldn't control the hunger for the other. He tried so hard to run away, to get out of Hannibal's grasp, but every time the man was able to pull Will back. And this time it would be for eternity; which was most likely for the better.

  Will caught a glimpse of Hannibal's expression, excepting to see betrayal, anger, or even fear. But from what he could make out, Hannibal looked calm, almost accepting of the death that would be soon to follow. Will noticed that Hannibal had tears in his eyes, the drops flying above the pair. A slight stab of sadness hit Will, upset that he misjudged the others expression, but he saw a smile on the doctors face. A smile of pride.

Hannibal was staring at Will with pride and adoration swelling inside of him. He designed Will to become the perfect man. He designed Will to be his. He was Hannibal's design. The perfect design. Will smiled back, clinging tighter to the man as he saw that they were getting closer to the water. Will held on to the other like Hannibal was the only thing that was left, scared that the waves were going to tear them apart.

The two braced for impact as they got engulfed into the cold sea below, holding onto each other, neither daring to let go.


Hannibal woke up and immediately noticed the harsh pain in his left arm. He tried to push himself up but was met with painful protest, causing him to flop back onto the bed.


Confusion and instinct took over Hannibal as he sat up, ignoring the surging pain throughout his whole body. He looked around and realized that he was in a poorly decorated room. The smell of cheap cleaning supplies and mold was very much present and disgusting. He was in a motel? He shivered in disgust when the fact that he actually slept in such a place went through his mind.

He carefully got out of the bed, ignoring the multiple stains, and hobbled around the room. He looked for any signs of Will. The man panicked when he searched the entire room and couldn't find Will at all. The worst crossed his mind: Had Will been caught? Did he abandon Hannibal? Did he leave Hannibal here for the FBI to catch?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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