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Lightning flashed through the sky, lighting up the ShadowClan camp. Yowls and hisses filled the air as cats fought one another.
Rain soaked through Onestar's pelt, making his fur feel heavy as he confronted his son, the evil rogue leader Darktail. The white tom reared up and swiped at Onestar's face with a blow so vicious it sent him crashing to the ground. Surprised by the force, Onestar let out a screech as he hit the wet earth.
There was another flash of lightning. Onestar expected Darktail to strike again, but the rogue threw his head back in a commanding yowl instead. "Kin!" His voice was powerful through the rain and thunder. "Follow me! If you're smart enough, retreat with me—you deserve to survive!"
Onestar struggled to his paws as several rogues broke away from their opponents to flee the camp with Darktail.
"Follow the rogues!" Bramblestar ordered, following after the Kin.
Onestar finally pushed himself up and joined the chase. "Bramblestar!" He called as he caught up. "Darktail is mine!"
Onestar and the rest of the Clans followed the Kin as they fled toward the lake.
Shapes began to rise from the water. Onestar felt a burst of satisfaction as the rogues stopped and stared in shock at the RiverClan's cats sudden appearance.
Our plan is working perfectly. Onestar thought as he stood beside Bramblestar, watching the RiverClan cats advance toward the rogues.
As expected, the rogues turned away and began to flee back to the forest. But Onestar and the other Clan cats were ready. They had all lined up around the trees behind the rogues, cutting off their only chance of escape.
Now! Onestar was the first cat to make a move. The other Clans joined in with him as they launched themselves into battle.
Most of the rogues dodged around the Clan cats, letting out terrified shrieks as they escaped the battlefield.
Onestar swiped at a few rogues as they fled past him, feeling satisfied as he felt fur ripping under his claws. But he didn't confront any of them head on; he was saving his strength for only one cat.
Darktail stood still among the crowd as his own cats fled past him with wails. His blue eyes were narrowed and fixed on Onestar.
Onestar pushed his way through the crowd until he came face to face with his son.
Lightning flashed above the two toms. Onestar could see Darktail's claws sliding out.
Both leaders started to circle one another. This cat has caused nothing but trouble. Onestar thought angrily as he unsheathed his own claws. It's time for me to put an end to this.
"You would never have made it as a warrior," Onestar sneered at his son. "You would have been better off as a kittypet."
Darktail let out an angry screech and launched himself on Onestar.
Onestar felt energy surging through him as he caught his son. Both toms attacked each other in a whirl of teeth and claws.
They continued to wrestle on the floor, angrily clawing and biting at each other. Onestar was suddenly aware that they were rolling towards the lake.
He felt shock pierce through him when the shallow, cold water hit his fur. But he refused to stop fighting and continued to claw at Darktail.
Then the pair moved deeper into the water. Onestar's whole body slipped into the lake, and still he continued to fight. His head broke through the surface a few times—he was able get a few breaths of air before slipping back underwater.
Then both Onestar and Darktail were fully underwater, with no chance of resurfacing. Onestar's movements became slow and dull, but he refused to give in.
Here, underwater, everything suddenly seamed peaceful. Onestar met Darktail's blue gaze. They were dark with anger and hatred.
Onestar was plunged back into the time when Darktail was just a tiny kit, staring up at him with hopeful eyes.
He was so small, so hopeful, so innocent. Onestar closed his eyes. All he wanted was to become a warrior, and I denied him that chance. Shamed burned through him. If I had known things would've turned out like this, I would have taken him in.
Onestar felt his lungs start to scream for air. He knew he didn't have much time left to fix things before he eventually drowned to death. He opened his eyes again to see Darktail struggling to stay conscious as well.
I'm so sorry, my son. Onestar thought as he reached for Darktail. The rogue attempted to push him away, but the water only weakened his movements. Onestar closed his eyes once more and clung tight to his son, sinking his claws into the rogue's white fur, dragging the tom down deeper into the water. Onestar felt the rogue struggling to get out of his grip, but Onestar only sank his claws in deeper, refusing to let go of his kit.
I'm sorry Smoke. Onestar thought of the soft gray kittypet, his former mate. I should've given our a kit a chance to become a warrior.
Onestar then thought of his WindClan family. His mate, Whitetail, and their daughter, Heathertail. My beloveds, I'm so sorry for keeping such a secret from you two. And I'm even more sorry that I cannot be there to take care of you anymore.
Onestar suddenly realized that Darktail had stopped struggling in his grip. He opened his eyes to see that the white tom's eyes were closed. Onestar sank his claws deeper into the rogue to get a reaction, but was met with nothing.
He's dead. Onestar realized. I've killed my own son. I have saved the Clans. For the first time since he became leader, Onestar finally felt as if a weight had been lifted off him. He held Darktail's body closer. I'm never letting you go, my son. I've already done that once, and look what's happened.
Onestar felt darkness start to press around him. But he wasn't afraid. He felt at peace with himself, and knew that it was time to move on. He closed his eyes for the last time, and allowed the water to pull him deeper into its depths.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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