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___NAME Toren Mako Flint
___AGE 25
___GENDER & PRONOUNS Cismale & He/Him
___SEXUALITY Heterosexual
___FACECLAIM Daniel Sharman
___KINGDOM Queendom of Amberak
___PERSONALITY The prince is a highly intelligent and kind gentleman- raised with a passion for knowledge and reading by his mother, his softer side is contrasted by his ironclad willpower and stubbornness for justice. He is a tactical genius having studied numerous historical battles, and a skilled swordsman having been required to learn the art.
___BACKSTORY Raised in the traditional Amberan Royal family, Toren grew up in an easy lifestyle of wealth and respect, with two loving and involved parents. As was his mother's wishes, Toren was never separated from any aspect of society, and allowed to play where and with whom he wished, thus grew up friends with many street kids whom he is still in contact with. However when he noticed his mother was consistently becoming sick each morning, Toren also noticed his father becoming cold and distant; from that moment on King Tiberius never showed any sign of the man he used to be, and but a few weeks later Toren's mother was dead. Having lost both parents in essence, Toren started relying heavily on his friends once again, and thus now spends most of his time on the streets and in the local forests rather than the Palace.
___LIKES & DISLIKES Toren loves reading and discovering new things, with a passion for trying new things. He is known as quite the inventor to his friends, who tease him lightly for his bookishness. Toren dislikes lies and scheming people, with a hatred for those who would evade justice for their crimes. In this aspect he can also be viewed as rather naive.
___WEAPON Taught by his mother and his tutor, Toren is a skilled fighter but prefers spending time with his books. His signature fighting style is duel wielding a sword and dagger.
___LOVE INTEREST Toren is totally open! Feel free to pair with him!
___QUOTES "I knew my mother and I loved her; but my father is a stranger to me, I fear there are things I don't know about him."
"Well, if one of you is to be Queen of my home, then I suppose I should show you around."
"This is the library, where I live, breathe, eat and sleep. The knowledge and history stored in here is incredible! Do you know, I once spent 5 days straight reading one book? There are over 457,892 books, all arranged in a cascading system of content versus- uh, yes sorry. Right, ok, moving on."