Chapter One: Family, New and Old

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Chapter One: Family, New and Old

Section One: Genesis, A New Era

"There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the center of the flames." They stare into nothingness, thinking of what their life has led to. Color fades from their face and life from their eyes. And as they perish they know that no soul will ever hear their parting song, but they also hold the knowledge that no one will suffer as they did. And in their eyes, that is worth it.

The last thing that they see is me, but I have no remorse for them. I stare them in the eyes, expecting to see nothing but pride, but all I see is sadness and guilt. I gather myself and walk away.

This all seems a bit fast, so let's start from the beginning, shall we? I am, or was, married to the love of my life.

Section Two: Anything

"I would do anything for you." I say to her. She smiles at me, her eyes showing me how happy she truly is. I made the right choice. The screams of the people who used to live in this town are drowned out by our laughter. We run through what used to be a town, nobody daring enough to touch us. Her past doesn't matter anymore, neither does mine. We have love for each other, and that's enough. I look at her, and she does the same. We smile, and she runs into my arms. I embrace her, and I love every moment of it. 

Suddenly Astrid pulls away. I continue looking at her then hear footsteps crunching against the fall leaves, getting faster and faster, I turn and see a person running towards us. I'm assuming another is coming on her side, and I grab my sword from my sheath slung over my shoulder, see her grab from what I now know is her bat from the floor, and I realize my assumption is correct.

She turns to me, "Ready, darling?"

"You know I am."

We turn our backs to each other, ready to defend ourselves. I grunt as I fight off this person, they have long curly hair, flowing behind them. They push what I think is a weapon against my sword, holding me off. I think it's a weapon, but I'm really not sure what it is. Maybe it's a human thing I haven't seen before, I should ask Astrid.

Man, she's amazing at this. I feel her long thick hair pushing against my back as we fight our respective enemies, and I wonder if she can feel my hair against hers, it might be a little short though. I stop thinking about us for a moment and turn back to fighting. I go to attack my sparring partner again, but see them lying on the ground. I guess I got past them. I hear Astrid panting, and I realize I'm doing the same. I turn towards her.

"I like your sword." She says as she grabs it out of my hands. I don't mind. I spot her bat broken in two laying next to her unconscious fighting partner. I direct my gaze back to her, and I see her dirtied jumpsuit, the light color now stained with dirt. I look back at her face.

"I like you."

Section Three: My One Beloved

"You cannot possess me for I belong to myself. But while we both wish it, I give you that which is mine to give. You cannot command me, for I am a free person. But the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand. I will carry your heart with mine, and put its needs above my own. I pledge to you that yours will be the name I cry aloud in the night, and the eyes into which I smile into in the morning. I pledge to you my living and dying, equally in your care. This is my wedding vow to you. This is a marriage of equals."

We say this together as I stare into her eyes and smile, her deep brown eyes sparkling against the fires around us, but I can't focus on the world crashing down when I have her beauty in front of me. I pull her in, and she nods in agreement. We kiss.

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