Part 1: Leo's done it again...

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Hello! I don't know if this story has been done before, but I thought it would be neat! I do not own any of the Heroes Of Olympus characters, they belong to Rick Riordan! As for the Hamilton characters, well they were all real people, but any quoting I do from Hamilton itself belongs to Lin-Manuel Miranda! I also don't own any movies mentioned.


Why Leo called a random emergency, I don't know. It had been quite a while since the giant war (and by quite a while, I mean 2 years). We were just doing normal Camp Half-Blood things, sparring, running from monsters... Ya know, the "usual", when Leo called an emergency meeting in Bunker 9. Annabeth and I ran to Bunker 9 as fast as we could, but we were both sore so not very fast. When we finally reached it, Piper and Jason were already there. (Frank and Hazel were taking a little longer to get from Camp Jupiter to here) Leo walked out, "Oh your here, come on in," he said. He seemed so chill. I wasn't sure what was wrong, but he had called an emergency meeting. Leo led them into the bunker. "So," he started, "I uh, may have figured out a way to time travel." That's when all Tartarus broke out.
Everyone started talking at once, then yelling over the others to be heard. It just resulted in everyone yelling and no one getting heard. Piper finally yelled, "EVERYONE STOP YELLING," I could feel the charmspeak behind it. Everyone shut up. "Good," she started, "Leo please elaborate for us." Leo shifted uncomfortably and pulled some gears and a screwdriver out of his toolbelt to fidget with them, "Well, I can't control what time we go to. So if we use it, it'll be taking a big risk. Plus, I'm not fully sure how to get us back to the present." We all let that sink in. Annabeth broke the silence, "How did you figure this out?" Leo stopped fidgeting for a split second, "That's the weird part, I didn't." I looked to Annabeth hoping she understood. She met my eyes with an equal amount of confusion in them. It's rare I see her look confused. Leo continued, "I think one of the gods helped me with this. I don't know which one, just one of the females." I thought for a moment, Hestia? No. Nemesis wouldn't bother helping us. I could tell Annabeth was pondering the same thing.


My mind was racing. Who would help Leo learn to time travel? HOW did they do it? There were too many questions unanswered. We sat there for a while exchanging a few questions. We sat for so long in silence, Frank and Hazel arrived. Jason briefed them on what we already knew. Frank paused, "So you're telling me that you really figured out a way to time travel?" Leo sighed, "Yes, that's what I said, but the real question is: Are we trying it? I mean, whoever helped me with this obviously wants us to use it." Everyone turned to me. Piper began, "Annabeth you are clearly the smartest out of all of us," she laughed, "what do you think we should do." I had no clue. "Well," I began, "Maybe we talk to Chiron? I mean, he may know what's going on." Piper nodded in agreement, "That's smart-" Leo cut her off, "But if we just do it we're bound to figure out why we're there. I'm sure whoever set us up with this, wants us to do something, wants us to do a quest?" I thought about it for a second.
Everyone seemed eager to time travel (who wouldn't) and maybe Chiron wouldn't approve, then it would be my fault we didn't go. My thoughts kept going when Percy cut in, "I say we go for it. I agree with Annabeth and Leo, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We gotta take it." I took a deep breath. Percy was always about the risk, and usually I agreed, but this time it was different. I had a really bad feeling about this "quest". Everyone sat in silence again, until Hazel spoke up, "Maybe we should take a vote? All in favor of talking to Chiron first?" She raised her hand along with Piper and I. It made sense that all us girls were the sensible ones. Hazel continued, "And all in favor for taking the risk?" Percy, Leo, and a skeptical Frank raised their hands. We all looked at Jason. "Well," Piper started, "You're the tie breaker, Jason." I watched Jason's eyes calculate the situation. "I think we should take the risk. Chiron could shut down this entire operation with a snap of his fingers. We should be able to decide for ourselves." I can't lie, he was right.

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