DJ NightingGale

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Name: DJ NightingGale

Age:  16,000 years (would be 16 in human years)

Gender: None

Sexuality: Non-binary/ Demi-Pansexual

Type/Race: Music/Shadow Demon

Bio: Born on Homeworld (lets call it that for now), she, now a they, had a large family. She had three brothers: Jack, Seth, and Sam. Jack NightingGale, now named Jack Skellington, aka the Pumpkin King, ran away from the family when they were young. and who could blame him? The father, John NightingGale, was a drug dealer. The mom, Sora NightingGale, was a stripper, and the other two brothers were apart of the family mafia. The whole family, besides Jack, had abused them. Using whips to hurt them, harsh words to bring them down, and even being raped by the father. The family hated the fact that Sasha NightingGale, now named DJ NightingGale, wanted to be non-binary, and thus they abused them 10x worst than before. Then one night, they got a dream, a futuristic vision I should say, about her world being destroyed by this unknown person 2 days from then. They got prepared for the end, bringing none of their family, and had survived two days after. Now they are traveling across the universe, meeting new friends along the way.

Hobbies: Music Remixer/ DJ (does collab with bands from time to time), Scientist/Medical Officer, Artist, Baker (owns a cupcakery), and Professer (teaches at a magic school, they are the teacher of Dark Magic) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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