Sweet Spot In A Sour Place

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So this is my entry for the #SPKSAD! Please vote and comment and tell me what you think of it, guys! :D

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I looked around the high school campus, eying each bench, table and/or steps to sit on for the next forty five minutes. There were a few places that looked remotely appealing. And those were the best seats in the house. Go figure.

The worst part about starting at a new school could easily be trying to find a new routine. Routines that made you content and happy were hard to come by and let's face it, my routine at my old school and home were spot on.

Everything about it made me happy. But now, I'm here. In a brand new town in a brand new school with brand new students who clearly don't like my clothes or hair. At least, that's what I'm able to see from the judgmental looks on their faces.

But, no matter, I suppose.

With a petulant sigh, I watched all my options slowly dwindle down to nothing. Everyone just looked annoyed. At what, who knew? I didn't and to be truthful, I really didn't want to. Only one year remained of my entrapment in the educational system and I didn't need to know anyone's life story as it was irrelevant to mine.

Once again, I tugged on my shorts before nervously pulling at my bracelets. I really felt like I was attracting attention now and that bothered me greatly. But as per usual, I refused to show it on the outside.

To others, I may have looked a bit ... well ... intimidating, would be the proper word. And who could blame them? Dark hair with colorful streaks running through it and shorts with black tights. Converse covered my feet, plaid made up most of my wardrobe, dark make up on my face and many black band shirts that I wore religiously. It probably didn't help with this new crew of kids that a smile had yet to cross my face.

But I didn't mind the sharp edge I had. It only meant that people left me alone and if they didn't care about me, they wouldn't put any effort into getting close. I felt protected and safe within the walls I built around myself in this regard.

I liked it.

However, back to the problem at hand - still no spot to sit. As I turned to walk away from the ground and just go eat lunch in the library, I spotted a guy sitting on his own under the shade of a largish (kind of) tree.

Well ... there were two sides of that tree. Acknowledgement shouldn't even be a requirement, right?

My steps were hesitant as I slowly made my way there, ignoring the looks and confused stares burning into my back. I kept my eyes straight ahead and focused on that treasured spot.

As I got within earshot, the guy who claimed one side (of what didn't see to be that big of a tree anymore ...) glanced up and stared at me. Same as everyone else.

But, same as everyone else, I ignored him completely and walked up to the other side of the tree. He didn't seem to mind, though. Just stared and made me feeling very uncomfortable.

But whatever. I had a seat now.

Adjusting myself so I felt comfortable enough, I pulled my lunch out of my bag. Unfortunately, upon closer examination, the tree didn't possess a very large circumference. So if I turned my head, I could see one leg from the other side of the tree, tapping and twitching.

With a muted sigh, I slumped down and watched the other people in view. Who were talking with other people. Who were their friends.

Which I did not have.

In other words ... this new routine sucked.

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Things remained that way for the next three weeks. Except after the first few days, the guy stopped staring at me like an alien creature every single time I walked up. Now, I just blended it. I was just part of the scenery. That both brightened and dulled my days.

Sweet Spot In A Sour Place (#SPKSAD)Where stories live. Discover now