Internal Conflict

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It comes off as odd, I know. But to any one reading this, please understand what I am trying to say.

When I am experiencing frightening thoughts, countless anxieties and worries, or the harsh words of my inner critic, I am in another world. It becomes difficult for me to be present in reality.

I become terribly absorbed by those words and beliefs that simply confirming them to my face, or even mentioning them offhand can hurt me immensely.

I don't understand why, but it is like that the conflict inside of me is so strong that a tap from the outside is enough to break me down. When the Conflict in a nation is becoming stronger day by day, the internal strength dies out and any outer force intervening will succeed in conquering the land that had fallen victim to an civil war.

Another example I can give is of a building. If the tower has been made of substandard materials and has weak internal arrangements it will simply collapse from the wind.

That's how I am. I am a nation thrown into a civil war. I am a structure built with a poor planning, and now anything from the outside, anyone conforming my anxieties, anyone mentioning the shortcomings I am insecure about.

It will result in me snapping. I will be rude, I will be defensive and I will be loud. I will be a wounded animal trying to protect my pride.

This problem of mine, I do plan on overcoming, but all I ask is a bit of your patience.

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