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"Why are you helping me?" she said.

The scruffy girl sitting in front Kwesi was probably no more than thirteen years old. He placed the bag of groceries on the table and unpacked them. He took off his hat and placed it on the table. Then he took off his jacket and threw it over the chair. The girl sprang up out of the bed.

"I'm not a cheap girl!" She headed for the door.

Kwesi opened the take-away container and the scent of jollof filled the room. It made her fingers halt on the doorknob. Her hunger was greater than her pride. She walked back to the table and sat down. She pulled the container close to her and dug in fingers first.

"You should wash your hands before you eat."

She had her arm around the container to protect it from theft. She only half sat on the chair and her body was positioned to towards the door in case she needed to make a swift exit.

"What do you want from me?" Her words were muffled beneath her chewing and cramming of food. Before she could swallow a mouthful, her hand was returning to her mouth with as much as it could carry.

"I want to save your child's life." Kwesi opened the soft drink and handed it to her. Taking it, she drank half in one gulp.

She kissed her teeth. "Why does it matter to you, eh?"

"Because your baby matters... you matter."

She rolled her eyes at him and continued to cram.

"Where are you from?" Kwesi asked.

"Nima. You?"

"West Legon."

"Ohh, rich boy." Malice filled her eyes. "You come down to the ghetto for cheap sex?"


She laughed. "What do you want my baby for? Are you going to sell his parts?"


She stopped eating. Sitting straight she looked him in the eyes. "You are either a liar or a lunatic? Which is it?"

"Neither." Kwesi looked at his watch. "It is getting late, I need to go. I have to get home." He took up his hat. "I've bought you enough food to last the week. I'm friends with the manager here so if you do something stupid... he'll call me. I'll be back next week."

She burped and her body relaxed. The fact that he was leaving made her feel more at ease. "Why are you helping me?"

"Honestly, you look like my mum. Someone helped her to give me a chance at life so I'm helping you."

Her eyes widen at the reality that he was her people. "I'm having a boy."

"How do you know?"

"I just do. My baby is aboy. His name will be Adebola." Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand shebecame a child again. She felt safe, somewhat. "Thank you."

Day 6- Adebola (September 18, 2017)Where stories live. Discover now