Daddy's Little Girl

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Lily-Jo couldn't help but cry. Her parents sat on the couch as across from her arguing. And it was all her fault. She didn't mean to make mummy so mad. This was the first time she'd ever heard her mother use bad words. She wasn't sure if she had permission to move yet. She just pulled the cushion closer to her face and let her tears flow into it. Her mother stormed out the living room and her father got up to run behind her. Before he left, he turned to her,

"Why are you still sitting there? Go to your room."

In her room, Lily-Jo wrote in her diary.

'Dear Diary,

I am the worse worst, ever. Mummy and Daddy are going to get divorced because of me. I don't want that. Wen When Emily's parents got divorced she had to move to Petorya Pretoria with her mum and her brother stay here with her dad. I don't want to move away from my frends friends. Why can't I be a good girl and stop causing trouble?

I am the worst. I made Mummy say bad words and she NEVER says bad words. The first time I said a bad word she made me wash my mouth with blue soap. It waz awful. I was playing dress up today. I wanted to look like the girls in the videos on Daddy's tablet. I'm not supposed to watch those videos. Daddy has a child lock on them but I know the password, ha ha ha. 😄 I was making the noises they make when the boys are reslin wresling wrestling with them when Mummy came in. She slapped me across my mouth and told me to take off her bra and put on clothz. My face still hurts. I taught she was going to lash me but then Gideon and Gabriel started crying. The twins save me. Gabriel was hungry and Gideon need a new nappy. Then Daddy came home.

I taught I had gotten away but after Mummy and Daddy put the twins to sleep they called me to the living room. I brought the punishment chair with me because I knew I was still in trouble. Daddy asked me why I thought I was going to be punished and I told him. Because Mummy slapped me when I was playing dress up. Mummy said I should tell Daddy how I was dressing so I told him Like the girls on your tablet. Mummy's face went like a grape or a purple cherry. I'm not sure what she said after that cause she started screaming in Afrikaans. I haven't started learning it yet...'

A knock on the door causedLily-Jo to shove her diary under her pillow. Her parents walked in together.Lily-Jo sat up.

Day 12- Daddy's Little Girl (September 25, 2017)Where stories live. Discover now