The beginning

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After Biden won the election, and Trump had passed at the age 93, Biden got sick of being the good guy so he caused mass chaos across the globe. World War 4 destroyed multiple countries including half the United States. Australia, Russia, Brazil, Canada basically 78% of the world had been destroyed and infected. The only one left standing on their toes was America. We're they lucky? Absolutely not. The government made strict laws. Oxygen was only to be used for 7 hours of the day.
You'd have to turn off the oxygen whilst going to bed, cause scientists figured out a way to stop time while sleeping, so we don't need oxygen when we sleep.
Mars is only to be visited by government authorities on Tuesdays and it's open every Friday for 16 hours straight, with free oxygen.
America is covered by a dome, because multiple viruses, worser than corona, spread instantly and caused millions to die.
If you get caught committing a crime, you are sent out of the dome for 2 days, and if you survive the viruses, you come back in. You also only have 4 hours of oxygen, so use it wisely.
Now where to begin.

7:32 am
Laws of the day:
• go and turn on the oxygen. 7:32 am
• go and have a shower. 7:39 am
• ignore breakfast. 7:50 am
• go out and watch the stars explode. 8:20 am
• go to bed earlier than usual. 11:30 pm
• go to Mars. 9:11 am
• go and watch some of your parents old video tapes. 11:17-11:26 pm
• finish off the day with some wasabi paste and sushi. 10:70 am

That's how Opal 29 starts her day. She has bright red hair, and dark skin. Her eyes whiter than snow. It's never snowed before so she imagines that's what it looks like. She climbs out of her pink and white dotted bed that levitates. Her robo dog barks near her feet as it looks up at her. The face told her that her dog wanted food.
But first. Oxygen.
She walks off, and her dog follows her. "Greetings Opal 29." Says Wan in her robotic voice. Wan is a breakfast robot. Wan makes meals from 7:32-7:42 am before shutting down. "Good morning Wan." Responds Opal, as she yawns it out. "What would you like today Opal 29?" Questions Wan. "Uhh... idk surprise me!" Says Opal while walking towards the Oxygen room. Wan quickly answers to all of Opals requests and immediately cooks up some sunny side up and extra crispy bacon, on the side some iced coffee. Opal walks into the Oxygen room, it takes her a while to find the oxygen tank but she finds it. She plugs it in and turns on the oxygen. In the morning oxygen is given to you but it costs 7$ a breath.

Opal 29 walks into the shower with her white robe on. Robot 227 waltz's in the help slip off her robe. "Thank you 227." She says while turning on the shower. "The pleasures all mine Opal." He responds while leaving. Opal grabs some soap as usual with no personal assistance. She squeezes out some Aqua Remmin conditioner and scrubs it all over her hair. The smell of fresh coconut against her fingertips and brushed against her hair just felt right. Opal rinses out the conditioner and rubs some body soap across every space of her body. The TV in her bathroom shows her favourite TV show, Friends. She always wondered what it would feel like to communicate with someone not virtually but in real life. She wanted friends. But nothing comes free.

She pushes her head back as the hot steamy water hits her skin, she smirks a little than turns off the water.

"227!" She says. 227 doesn't come. She's confused. 227 always answers to her requests almost immediately. "227!" She yells out again. Opal grabs a towel and layers it over her body. Holding on tight. "227" she yells out once again hoping to get an answer.
She pops her head out of the bathroom and then walks out to the kitchen. "Wan...?" She says confusingly. Wan just stood their. Frozen in time. With a knife in one hand and bacon in the next. Opal walks slowly towards Wan, she taps her face. But no response.
"How may I assist you Opal 29." Says Wan out of the ordinary. It gives Opal a little fright, she jumps back then takes a breath.
"Don't scare me like that Wan." Explains Opal.
"My apologies Opal 29, I was just getting reprogrammed." Explains Wan while continuing on with breakfast. "You know what, I think I'm gonna skip breakfast." Responds Opal while walking towards the exit. "Of course. What shall I do with the breakfast?" She says confused. " uhh Idk? Feed it to the dog?" Opal explains while leaving out the door. Wan looks down at the robo dog, the robo dog whippers.
Outside her house, buildings reach to the very top and touch the tip of clouds. It's so high up that someone nearly falls off it every morning. Opal 29 pulls out her car keys and takes a tablet that changes her outfit. She starts the car and climbs into it.
"How may I assist you Opal 29, would you like me to take you to work?" says the car whilst waking up. "Uhh, no I need to visit my mother." Responds Opal as the transparent keyboard pops up. She types down her mother's address. "Of course."
The traffic was louder and more crowded than usual, people fighting and yelling, the traffic lights going on and off. It was chaotic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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