Chapter 1: Orientation

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"Where the fuck are you taking me?" Axl angrily asked, "can I take off my fucking blindfold yet?"
"Yeah, no." Duff, who was driving the car, replied and everyone in the van quietly snickered.
"Calm down crybaby we're almost there." Slash said as he lit is cigarette. Suddenly the car stopped and Axl ripped off his blindfold.
"I don't give a shit anymore guys I'm fucking taking this off-" she paused and looked out the window. "ROCK BAND COLLEGE? YOU FUCKING DROVE ME TO COLLEGE-" He started cussing and angrily hit the side of Duffs van. Steven Adler started laughing and gave Axl a pat on the back.
"We're all doing it, so you have to do it with us. At least for a semester dude, come on." He said.
"There's no fucking way I'm going to COLLEGE. This is so stupid-"
Axl got cut off by Izzy lightly hitting Axl on the back.
"We already registered you dude, it's too late to turn back now." He said with a smile.
Axl looked at his band mates in disbelief, all of them entirely way too giggly about Axl being mad.
"This is stupid," He said, "I'm not going in."
"Cmon crybaby," Slash grabbed Axl's hand and dragged him inside with the rest of his band mates.

When they stepped inside, they saw a huge room filled with angsty young adults chatting loudly. A few people full on beating each other up, a few people making out, and a few people glanced at the door and stared.
"I wanna go home." Steven whispered to Duff.
"It's okay Popcorn, I'm not gonna leave." He replied.
"I guess this is orientation, we should find seats." Slash blew out smoke from his cigarette and Axl breathed the smoke filled air desperately.
"Or," Axl began, "we could not find seats and go home because this is stupid."
"Your freaking out Steven, Axl. Shut the fuck up." Izzy said as he ruffled the top of Stevens hair.
Duff laughed quietly and began walking towards an empty set of seats. Axl reluctantly followed. The five men sat down, not entirely knowing what to expect. In the seat in front of Steven, a Brown haired man turned around in his seat.
"Hey what's up babe," he asked Steven.
Steven stared at him.
"I'm Tommy Lee, dude. You know who I am, right?"
Steven was silent again.
"From... Motley Crue.." Tommy said slowly.
"Yeah I don't know you," Steven said.
"Well, I gotta change that then. What's your name?"
"I'm Steven." Steven said, "and this is my band Guns n Roses. There's Slash,"
Slash didn't move his head and pretended to not hear him.
"And then there's Izzy,"
Izzy smiled and shook Tommy's hand.
"And Duff,"
Duff looked at Tommy suspiciously, wondering what his intentions were with Steven.
"And that's Axl." Steven said.
Axl rolled his eyes and crossed his legs.
"Looks like someone doesn't wanna be here."
Tommy laughed.
Suddenly the blonde man next to Tommy turned around quickly and looked up and down at Axl.
"You actually don't wanna be here?"
He asked.
"This is the best fucking place EVER DUDE all you do it lie around and play instruments and do drugs what's your problem?" The blonde man asked.
"What's up with this 'motley crue' band and why are you all so fucking bubbly and annoying." Axl said under his breath.
Slash laughed.
"Axl is just a little grumpy today, isn't that right?" Slash gave Axl a hard pat on the head.
"He'll warm up to it, Vince." He added.
"Oh so you two know each other?"
Axl asked.
"Yeah, see, unlike you, Ax, I actually take time to get to know other musicians." Slash inhaled his cigarette and blew it out on Axl's face.
Axl coughed and waved his hand in front of his face.
"Sorry I'm not a faggot." Axl rolled his eyes.
"That's not a nice word," Steven elbowed him in the side.
"Yeah well to answer your question, 'Ax', not al of us are annoying. We got this old motherfucker right here, right Mick?" Tommy pointed to the older black haired man next to him.
"I do NOT wanna be a part of this." Mick didn't even turn his head to look at them.
"Where's Nikki Sixx? Haven't seen that bastard in years." Slash asked.
"Probably talking to some bitches." Vince said.
"There are girls here?" Axl sat up in his seat and looked around.
"Yeah there's fucking girls here, you sexist bitch. There are women musicians yknow." Slash said.
"Yeah most of em are lesbians though,"
Tommy added.
"That's hot." Vince smiled.
"You guys are disgusting," Mick chimed in.

Suddenly the loud chatting of people in the room became silent as they all hear horrible high pitched feed back from the microphone on the stage in the front of the room.
"Oh god, not this guy." Slash muttered.
"Hello ladies and gentlemen!" The man on the stage yelled, making most of the audience more deaf then they already are.
"Is that fucking Paul Stanley..." Axl whispered to Slash.
Slash nodded slowly.
"Thank you all for attending the orientation of Rock Star College!" He said and waited for an applause.
The room was silent.
"Okay," Paul cleared his throat, "today's orientation will be about 10 minutes long because we don't give a fuck what you do here. Anyways, give a round of applause for my demon friend, Gene Simmons!" Paul left the stage and everyone started screaming for Gene. Paul rolled his eyes, he knew the only reason everyone liked Gene so much was because of his record breaking amount of lovers.
Gene made his way to the mic and said,
"This college is fake college for lazy bastards like you who want to practice music with other musicians. And as Paul said, we don't give a shit what you do here as long as give me your fucking money for the dorms and shit." Gene stuck out his tongue and winked at the ladies, of course the ladies didn't even bother to look at him. "Forgot this has stuck up musician bitches and not blonde sex toys." Gene rolled his eyes and left the stage.
Axl raised his eyebrows. 'This is kind cool I guess, I didn't know Kiss was running it..' he thought.
"Hey what's up I'm Ace." The next man in the mic said. The guitarists clapped and whoo-hooed. "Yeah thanks, me and Peter Criss are just saying hi."
Tommy let out a loud "BOOOOO" and everyone looked at him.
Peter looked at Tommy and blinked.
"Ok that's it bye guys. Don't forget to take your papers up here to see who you're roomed with for dorms." Peter sighed and they left the stage.
Slash looked at Axl. "Not so bad, right?" He said. Axl shrugged.
They waited in line for a few moments for their forms, eager to read them. Duff began to read out loud.
"Alright looks like I'm roomed with Steven and Izzy," Steven smiled, relieved.
"Aaaand Axl is roomed with ... Slash." Duff slowly looked up at Axl.
"Alright it's official, this is going to be the worst 6 months of my life." Axl muttered.

(Hope u all enjoy chapter 1!!)

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