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A/N: Finally decided to post this after years of forgetting about it. :)

I stood there, not knowing what to do. What could I have done? Run? No, he would've caught me easily. I couldn't find a way to outsmart him either, he was beyond clever, so how would I be able to manage that? I stared into his emerald eyes, the same eyes I thought were so enchantingly positive and innocent.
After a few minutes of silence and stillness, he tilted his head, freaking me out a little and leaving me to wonder what he was thinking about.
I looked to the side for a split second, then back to him. He was wearing a slight smirk, causing me to bite my bottom lip as I thought of an escape route. He was blocking the only exit, so just walking out was a no-go. I could have used my quirk, yes, but he still would've found a way to get me.
"Don't seem so sad, (y/n)-chan," he finally spoke, being me back from my thoughts and causing me to slightly jump.
I tried to muster up something but held myself back from it. I wanted to try and be witty or threatening, but he would've just laughed and say or do something worse.
He walked towards me, quiet and daunting, still with that sinister smirk playing on his lips. I stood frozen, conflicted about what to do, wondering what he was going to do. I watched as he came closer, with my eyes wide and my entire body shaking, I knew he noticed. He notices everything nowadays. Once he got within arms-length, he put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump once again as his smirk stayed plastered on his stupid face. I was practically squirming in his presence...
"You know, I've been waiting for this moment for a while," he said, sounding dangerously passionate for dinner reason. "You've been successfully getting away from me for a while now and I've grown very impatient with you."
" you mean?" I stuttered out, cursing at myself for my nervousness.
"Oh, they finally speak!" he mused, raising his voice.
It honestly scared me by how quickly his voice raised after being soft-spoken for so long. I jumped at it too, causing the male to squeeze my shoulder a bit tighter. I tried my best not to panic, but I could tell he knew.
He looked to the ground as he chuckled, then looked back at me while saying, "You see, darling, with every encounter we have had, it has always led to you escaping. We can't have that, now can we?" He tilted his head once more, acting pouty as his eyes sparkled with what I believed could only be madness.
I pressed my lips into a straight line as I stared at the face that reminded me so much of when we were younger. I've always thought he was cute and interesting, with a heart of gold and a goal of becoming the greatest hero. Yes, we were friends, and when he became a villain, I broke down a little. He could the sweet, friendly Deku stoop so low?
I became more angered and pulled my body away from him. I knew I couldn't escape easily, but I was going to try. He wasn't going to hold me down and keep me here. I'll make sure of it.
I got ready to sprout my wings, but he roughly grabbed a hold of my wrist, squeezing it harder than he did my shoulder. "I wouldn't go through with that little idea of yours if I were you, darling," he said in a deep, maniacal tone.
I furrowed my brows, thrashing myself in order to try amd free myself from his grasp. "Why not?!" I ask in a roaring tone, wanting to slap him away but not finding to courage to do so.
"Well, because you've escaped me on multiple occasions! You're one of the greatest heroes, yet you always flee before the fun can really begin."
I growled, not completely understanding what he was saying. "What do you mean? You have to flee sometimes if that's your only option-"
"Oh, but it's not!" he slightly shouted, squeezing tighter on my wrist, surely leaving a bruise of some sort. "You've always used your 'Fight ot Flight' response and it upsets me when you choose the second option. You're always so fun when you fight back, but when you leave, it seems to me that you are being cowardly."
I listen to him carefully, taking a chance to try escaping from his grasp slow enough for him not to notice. "It's not being cowardly Deku," I countered, hoping he wouldn't notice, "it's called being smart!"
I've never said his name with such hated before. It's always been filled with appreciation and love, especially towards him. His little nickname had always made me smile and his reason behind choosing it has always made me admire him more.
His smirk grew as he noticed my slow attempt of escaping. I looked around the dark building I was lured to, but before I could single out my thoughts and have a plan, I felt something.
A sudden wetness hit my fingers, causing me to let out a surprised squeak as I looked down.
Starting to shake, my breath became shallow as I saw the now villainous Deku using his tongue to slowly lick up my hand, stopping at my wrist and looking up at me, still with a firm grip.
I stared at him in shock as the lingering feeling of his saliva caused the cold air to hit my skin more noticeably.
"Speechless, I see," he laughs. His emerald eyes were showing an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. It was like he was waiting for the chance to launch a more violent attack.
"W-what was that for?" I asked, cursing my stutter once again and trying to figure out what was going on in his head.
"You've always been so sweet, doll. Always loving to give and receive affection from your friends," he explained...then his smile dropped. From what I could see of his expression, it was now something of anger and annoyance, with his hair casting a shadow over his eyes. "Why would you be like that with all of those lowlifes and not me?" His grasp on my hand got even tighter, with me fearing he'd go so far as crushing it.
But as much as I wanted to scream at him for insulting my friends, his old friends, it was true. I always hung onto them and was never really seen without at least one of them. But Izuku always seemed so uncomfortable. He always blushed and practically stopped breathing everytime I hugged him, so I thought he didn't like it. I thought he had a problem with it, so I didn't give him as much affection as I did others.
"What? No witty comeback or sarcastic remark? You've always been so snarky when it came to mind games. Why so quiet now?" he asked before straightening himself out but not letting go of me.
I couldn't respond in any way. I just stood there, not knowing what to do.
He chuckled as his smirk grew even wider. "This should be fun, then."

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