New friend

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I was minding my own business playing with my toy cars in the sand loving life then I heard someone talk "h-hi c-c-can I p-pl-play with you" I look up it was a boy who was smaller than me had black hair that was not really long but not shot it came to his chin he was really thin and had a volleyball "erm yea sure" I say with a big smile "what is your name, my name is kuroo, Tetsurō Kuroo" he looks at me with wide eyes "I have herd of you Tetsurō, my name is kenma, Kenma Kozume" he says very shyly "sorry I don't know you but I have seen you want to be friends" I say that as I jumped up and waited for his reply "s-s-sur-sure" I was so happy I made a new friend "oh you can call me kuroo" he looks up from the ground "oh ok then kuroo you can call me kenma" I was so happy that I made a friend I never had a real friend before well I did but also did not "so want to play" I say putting my hand out to indicate him to join me "yea ok" we played for hours with my cars "to the moon and back" I said stopping what I was doing looking up at kenma "to the moon and back" he says back I can tell we are going to be friends forever

Sorry this is so rushed it is like 2 in the morning and I am really tired but I wanted to write this as I have had this idea I my head for a while now so yea sorry for any spelling mistakes and stuff yea ~Abby

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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