Part 1

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"Julian my lord!!” said the man that opened the door “Yes what is it” Julian said in an angered tone of voice. “The king is wanting you!” Julian was not suberised but yet very annoyed “What does father want?” The man sighed “I do not know Lord Julian he did not say.” Julian then sighed and stood “Thank you, I’ll be on my way and be sure to stop calling me Lord.” The man looked pleased, Julian was a little worried but thought nothing of it. Julian stood at his father’s door and said “Father may I come in.” There was no reply, Julian became worried and opened the door “Father?” What he saw was he’s father on the floor and blood draped down from the windows and walls. Blood was on the floor of where he’s father is now laying. Julian didn’t know what to think of this but said in tears “Father don’t you think you should be leading the people... not me...Come on now get up... Father....I will find who did this to you and kill them so for now wait...” Julian then walked out of the room to find a knife at his throat. In a woman’s voice he heard her say “Good bye my Lord” She said in a sarcastic voice and then slit Julian’s throat.

“Ahhhh” I jump out of bed and hit my head on the bottom of my bed. “aww, That hurt” Beep beep as the alarm clock rain. “Oh shit I’m going to be  late” I then stood up and starting to get change (I’m Hinata, I’m 16 years old and this is where my life has become a living nightmare and I can’t tell anyone about it..)I walk in to the class room “Sorry I’m late” (My mother has passed away and my father well I do really know. My mother told me he was a great man but he had to leave.) I sit down in my sit and then start to look out the window from my decks. “Hinata!” I got startled “Y...Yes Sir?” “Read page 24.” I look at my book “Yes sir.” Then I start to read. “Two hundred years ago you would only see darkness and sadness. People were agents one another and no one knew how to be nice and kind ~” (As I was reading I couldn't help but to notice in the corner of my eye a girl was staring at me intensely as I readied. She seems to be a very pretty girl but something is different about her. She is quiet, has no friends, and a straight A student.) “ You may sit down” Said the male teacher. “Yes Sir” I said and sat down to be looking out the window again. (She seemed to be good with the guys but has never had a boyfriend not even a girlfriend so it seems.) *sigh* (School’s over)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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