Under your skin Mafiafell Beast x Sans SMUT

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The smell of gunpowder filled the air as arguing continued over the once silent area. Teeth bared and guns drawn as panic ensued over the pawns, their minds fogged with the horror of failure and consequence.
There would always be consequences.

One voice rose above the rest, targeted at the one who began this whole ordeal. A skeleton, tall to humans but rather short to his own monster kind, especially small to his partner in crime, who his words were directed to. A skele-dragon, who went by the name of Beast, simply stood and glared at the much shorter skeleton who threw insult and threat (if you could even call them that) at him. He was pretty much unfazed.

"You fuckin idiot, what the fuck were you thinking?!" The skeleton yelled, hands stretched out in front of him, exaggerating the question.
The dragon didn't answer, only rolling his eyes and turning to make his leave for his home, much to the skeletons frustration.
Not like he could do anything about it.

The next day
Beast was sat on his sofa, head resting in his clawed hands as he waited for the dreaded consequences of his actions for the night before. He reacted out of hand and out of turn, he knew he was in deep shit for this.

A sudden knock at his door cut through the tense air around him, Beast didn't even get out of his seat knowing who it was, his suspicions being confirmed when the shorter skeleton opened the door and let himself in, locking it behind him. A dark look covered his face as he walked towards him stopping a few feet away. He sighed and looked at the dragon finally speaking up, "Ehh, t-this is all he gave me." He shakily said as he held out the paper with bloody writing covering it, just saying 'You'll meet your consequences soon enough'. Beast took the paper from him and as he took in the words his expression darkened, he placed the paper on a small table near the window and went into his kitchen quickly grabbing some whiskey from a cupboard.

"Bit early to drink, don't ya think?" The skeleton asked jokingly, trying to make light of what little time they may have left. Beast quickly poured himself a drink, downing it as soon as it was full to his content. Growling as he slammed it back down into the counter, he turned towards the skeleton and glared at him. "Fuck off Sans." He said to him finally acknowledging his presence in his house. Sans, the skeleton, chuckled grabbing another bottle from the tall cupboard and bring his own glass to the sofa. Both of them knowing this would be the first glass of many.

The time between each glass of burning alcohol blurred with the hours that passed, creeping into nightfall and wordless toleration.
The more alcohol Beast consumed, the harder it became for him to control his anger, and now his hands twitched with a lingering rage.
"Quit fidgeting" Sans scoffed, rolling his pupils in his sockets, his unwavering and smug expression finally tipping Beast over the edge and practically jumped to his feet, slamming his empty glass down on the table so hard the glass exploded into thousands of tiny shards, along with the small table that crackled and splintered before tipping over.

A snarl echoed from Beast's throat as he turned to his colleague, he grabbed him by his blazer pulling him from the sofa and straight onto the floor. "You're on thin fucking ice!" He growled out at him through bared teeth, Sans' smirk only widen as he maintained eye contact with the large reptile that hovered over him. "And what if I break it?"

He knew exactly what to say to get under his scales. But Beast knew that perfect way to get him to shut up. Beast pulled the skeleton up by his blazer aggressively and leant down, colliding their lips in a forceful and dominating manner. Of course the skeleton had no objection to this and within a second he was kissing back with equal vigour and force.

Beast's hands begin to wander durning the kiss, one hand coming to the bottom of his buttoned up shirt, he pulled away from the kiss, a quiet growl escaping from Sans. Beast's clawed hand swiftly sliced through the shirt ripping it apart while buttons flew from across the room.
Sans growled in response, the expensive suit being torn straight down the middle by the once's buttoned up seam.
"Seriously? Do you know-" the shorter Skelton was swiftly cut of by a menacing pair of slitted eyes that bore holes into his own red pupils.
He took the warning and shut up, good to know he can listen to commands when he wants to.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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