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~3775 words

Sorry dear readers i know I keep changing how I post this~

Gerard walks onto the campus. He is almost instantly pushed, in fact it only takes 3 minutes before he gets shoved. Gerard holds onto his bag and prepares for the worst. He can only hope he just gets called slurs and his nose doesn’t get broken again, he can still remember the pain of his bruised up face, all bloodied.

He tries his best to look invisible, walking towards his first class. His hood is up and he clutches his backpack like it’ll protect him from the inevitable. He looks around nervously as he walks through the halls. He ends up sitting in the bathroom quietly, scrolling through some confession pages. He reads one after the other, after the other. There's a few about him, Gerard is a fag and if you're reading this, kys, he looks at the message and sighs. He continues to scroll and read. He eventually finds another one with his name on it. i like Gerard way, if I don't like him, I'm in love with him, im a guy, im scared to tell him, Gerard takes a screenshot of the post to mention to Ray and his brother later in the day.

After a minute he decides to open the comments to see the reactions to the post that seems fake. Almost all are bullying him, calling him slurs, saying that that person has low standards even for a fag. That this person should jump off a bridge. Gerard sees one comment, ‘jesus i fucking hate this school, leave him alone’ it intrigues Gerard considering no one ever dares to say anything that even mildly sticks up for him. He clicks on the profile without reading the username. 'frank iero' it reads.

He can't stop himself from what he says, all of his repressed anger coming out, you're the reason I'm being bullied, it's your fault that I cry myself to sleep, shut up and kill yourself, no one fucking cares about you, he types.

It's caused by an impulse when he sends it. He's not sure what's worse, the words he sent or that he would never take it back. This guy made him the town joke, he's nothing more than a punching bag for people now.

Gerard knows it's fucked up, but he wants Frank to know what he's had to go through for the past three years. He wants him to understand what it's like to dread waking up to going to school, not knowing when the next time he’ll be punched is. Having to be always on guard, suffering every waking moment because he deserves to be on guard around everyone he ever is forced to interact with.

Gerard wants Frank to have to avoid people outside of school because he doesn’t want to be exposed for what he is. He wants Frank to go through the feeling of fear anytime he’s with someone else, the fear that they’ll discover him for what he is, the fear that he’ll get sent to a lab and experimented on for the sake of science, or some other lie used as an excuse to treat him like he’s an animal. He knows how cruel some people can be.

He got lucky that he ended up with good parents who didn’t throw him in a lab when he developed gills and a tail. When he went to take a shower and fell, a loud enough fall was heard by his parents in the next room over. When he pulled the shower curtains down, breaking them in the process. Trying to frantically cover the long scaly tail spilling out of the bathtub with the torn down shower curtain.

He wants to see how Frank would handle the situation that he’s in, he wants to watch how the tiny guy reacts. He wants to watch as his life gets worse and worse each day he simply dares to breathe. He wants to watch the guy walk into class on the verge of tears everyday, Gerard wants to watch him look around the hall, looking for someone that will inevitably punch him several times, pour water over his head or call him a slur.

That would never happen. No one would ever dare to make fun of him, everyone is scared of the little bastard. The asshole that broke several peoples ribs, but people are too scared to tell anyone else. No one dares to fight him, or even hurt someone that Frank gets along with.

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