Dolos: Safety in Distance

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New story! Going to be short, probably a two-shot.

Safety in distance. Protect from afar. Never let them know. These were the things Dolos told himself everyday.

But every time Ant ran up with his big, adorable smile that made Dolos beam from his cabin, it broke his heart that he could not hug the boy.

Yes these were the things he told himself. These were his rules. But it didn't make it any less painful. He wanted to cry every time Kaiko pulled Fontaine back with distrust in her eyes. Every time Ant glared at him and stepped behind his father.

Sitting in his cabin now waiting for the Nektons he stroked Hydra, speaking in a soft tone. "You understand, don't you Hydra?" Hydra just looked at him with confusion in her eyes, her spiked collar off until the Nektons arrived. "Of course you don't. Nobody does. Nobody but me."

The Nektons called him heartless. "Trust no-one, especially Dolos" said Kaiko. But the truth was entirely the opposite. Dolos loved them enough to let them go.

Dolos remembered the sea unicorn escapade. There had been a plot. The people Dolos protected the Nektons from had been there. Devil Daniels was an idiot. Dolos remembered how confused Daniels had been when he asked to bring the boat to the spot Dolos intercepted them. When he asked to go to the Arronax.

But what Dolos remembered most was the way Ant saved him. It took every fiber in his being to seem hostile and make fun of him. Just the same way as after the Sargasso Sea misadventure. How sweet Ant had been. "I made a new friend!"

But still Dolos only watched. His cameras in the Arronax let him see them. At least he had that. He laughed with the family every time Ant did something ridiculous. Every sarcastic joke made by Fontaine. He smiled every time Kaiko and Will shared a kiss in the kitchen. Every sunset Fontaine watched atop the Arronax before her family awoke. Every moment Ant spent doting on sweet Jeffrey. He gasped with fear every single time they were in danger. Every moment they spent in the infirmary. When Kaiko nearly died in the monumental worm. When Will was stung by a stonefish. When Ant nearly turned into a statue in Lemuria.

He had cameras in the rover and knights, to cause himself extra stress and late nights, wishing. Wishing he had known and could be there. That was what hurt him the most, the helplessness. He was there often enough to help them, but it never felt like enough. It certainly wasn't enough to keep him from staying up at 3am terrified, sobbing, knowing he wasn't there, he couldn't help, but he should be there, he wished that he was there. Wished.

"The Nektons should be here by now" he said aloud to Hydra. He disguised himself and gave Hydra the collar just to be safe. It was then that his boat buzzed, "This is Kaiko Nekton of the Arronax broadcasting to any ships in the area, we are in trouble" the message dissolved into static but Dolos could hear Fontaine crying in the background. Kaiko continued, "Please, we need help, life support at 10 percent, system failing..." Dolos had gotten distracted from his tracker display, he turned to it. The Nektons were in trouble, and only he could help.

Thanks! Feel free to review. I may make a sequel to show what happens once Dolos' secret is revealed. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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