Soft hair

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3rd POV
" wow, your hair is so soft!" Tanjiro exclaimed, as he played with his husbands hair. To Tanjiro, Muzans hair was beautiful. It was soft, shiny and overall very nice to touch. Though the bad part about him playing with his husbands hair, is he did at the worst times. Like right now.
Muzan was trying to focus on writing his book while his partner was playing with his hair. It's not that he didn't mind Tanjiro touching his hair, he just couldn't focus. His deadline for the book was due in a week and he just wanted to finish.

(Time skip brought by an evil dorito)

"What's your story about"
"You already know what it is about"
"I don't remember"
Muzan turned around in his chair to look at his husband, in the face. He stared at tanjiro for a few seconds than said,
"You want to hear again don't you"
"Yea..." tanjiro said a little sheepishly.
Muzan turned back around to his desk, picked up a neatly folded paper and gave it to Tanjiro.
"What is this?" Curiosity laced in Tanjiros voice.
"Just read it" Muzan said.
"Fine but I'll read it later", tanjiro replied stuffing the paper in his pocket. After that tanjiro just started playing with Muzans hair again while muzan did some other work.

Does anyone know what to do when you have barley any want to do stuff yet you wanna do things?

Tanjiro x Muzan  one shot Where stories live. Discover now