The Million Dollar Assignment

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Anna was sitting in class on a Friday afternoon, when her teacher said something that made her sit up.

"Your assignment," he said, "is to earn one million dollars, and bring it to class on Monday."

One million dollars. What kind of teacher was this? Didn't he have enough money already? What a jerk.

She raised her hand.

"Sir! I don't want to do this. Will I fail?" He rolled his eyes, then held her gaze.

"If you do not complete this assignment then, yes. Yes, you will fail." Anna sighed, and frowned.

"That's fantastic." she said, "I mean, what on earth does earning one million dollars over the weekend have to do with world history?"

"That is enough!" He said, cutting her off. "I'm trying to sort out the talented. If you can't even come up with an idea of how you could complete this assignment, and carry it out, then you will fail."

Oookay then! Anna thought. He just wants me to fail. It was going to be fun to see his face when she brought in two million dollars. She just had to come up with an idea.

On the way home, it occurred to Anna that he hadn't said anything about how to earn it. He hadn't said it had to be legal. After all, she could just rob a bank.

Oh, by the way, did I forget to mention that Anna has superpowers? Silly me. But I'm sure that you did know that she goes to a school for supervillains, right?

So Anna grabbed her black villain mask. And putting it on, she walked into the bank.

"Listen up!" She yelled. And the entire bank quieted in an instant. "Everyone give me money. Now!"

A police officer tried to punch Anna.

As I'm sure you know, when someone tries to punch a supervillain, it doesn't go very well for them.

She stopped him with her mind. Then she punched him so hard that he passed out. Sometimes old-fashioned ways were best. She tied him up, and threw him in an alleyway behind the bank. After all, even the best of the best can't defeat someone with superhuman powers.

You may be wondering why Anna didn't just use her powers to make her teacher let her off the hook for the assignment. That's because when someone teaches at a supervillain school, you can bet that anything that's legal won't be on their resume. They are villains, after all.

Monday came. And so did Anna, with the stolen two million dollars in hand. Her grade? A+++.

Robbing a bank in supervillain school isn't expulsion, it's a good grade. 

AN: I rewrote this from a ridiculous writing prompt/exercise,  and in no way am I justifying robbing a bank or punching a police officer. (just in case you couldn't tell) Please vote and comment if you liked it!

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