The Strauss Family's Loss

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As I walked along a trail, I heard 3 voices, 1 a boy, and 2 girls. I made sure they didn't see me, I was only 12, what was a big busted 12 year old going to do? I only know a couple of different Dragon Slayer magic but I had a feeling I wasn't going to use magic here. Plus, I'm not even that advanced in it anyways. So, might as well learn something new, right?

Anyways, I heard screams and enchantments, so I walked to where I thought I heard them. I saw a guy use Take-Over Magic, and saw the insignia... The insignia for Fairy Tail. One of the strongest guilds in Fiore. I've heard about the destruction they cause but I never believed it.

Then I noticed the white hair, The Legendary Strauss Family! I thought to myself. I had a feeling they were in trouble, not because of the monsters that were on the ground. It was because of the boy who transformed.

There were also 2 other girls. One of them was in a mini skirt, crop top like thing and boots, which all was in black. The other girl was in a dress with red and pink all over.

As I watched the fight, which was between them and monsters, I noticed that at the end of it all, the boy who transformed.........he had not turned back to his human self. The girl with the dress had her arms spread out wide as if she was going to hug a giant teddy bear, who was oh so fluffy.

I ran up to the next tree which was 25 feet away from the last one, at least 25 really. I payed close attention to his eyes, I had a feeling that all wizards who practice Take-Over Magic had a 'saying' in their. You know, when a persons sad, and you can tell by their facial expression or personality? It's like that.

His eyes..... they were speechless. No expression, no feeling at all! It's like he's completely heartless! Or his magic has already started the transformation of becoming the monster that he is in.

"LISANNA!!!!!!" Screamed the girl who was the behind Lisanna.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!" I yelled. But, I was to late, the girl I knew as Lisanna was pushed 100 feet away from where she was standing. When I ran up to her sister, she was startled that I was even there. "Wh- who are you?" She sobbed.

"Let's not worry about that right now, you have to get to your sister. I'll deal with this guy, what's his name?" I asked.

"Elfman, his name is Elfman. Just.. please, don't hurt him. Please!!" She begged.

"Yea, sure. Just go to your sister, everything will be alright." I assured her. I turned my gaze from her to Elfman.

"Hey, Elfman!!! Look at what you just did!! You're going to kill your own sister!! You're probably pissed or something, I don't know! But, just turn back to who you are!! You can't let this monster control you!! If you do, you might kill them both!!" I said, without taking a breath in between.

"Just transform back to who you are!! I have a feeling you wouldn't even hurt anybody, especially your family!!" And with that, the monster started growling and holding his head with both of his hands. He started shrinking and he turned into this guy, who was actually muscular. He had white hair just like his sisters. He was wearing like a purplish pair of pants, and he had no shirt.

"Thank much!! I don't know how to thank you!!" He said, hugging me. "Your welcome, Elfman. But, I think you should comfort your sister. She seems rather....unstable." I said, gesturing to his sister who was screaming in the loss of her sister.

"Holy crap, Lisanna!!! Mira!!!!!" He yelled, almost sobbing. When I looked back at the girl, she disappeared. Into thin air.

"LISANNA!!! DON'T LEAVE ME ALL ALONE!!!!!!" His sister, Mira, said.

I turned around, about to walk away, when suddenly they called out to me. "Wait.......who are you?" Elfman asked.

I turned towards them and said, "Really? You're worried about who I am... when your sister died in front of you?!? Come on!!" I yelled.

"You helped us, now we want to help you! So just answer already!!!" Mira shouted. I was pretty speechless.

"I don't even know what I did to help you, I just gave you time" I said, I didn't realize that I did help them until everything all died down.

"Let's just say I'm Nobody for now." I said, walking to where towards the direction I normally wanted to walk to.

I smirked at the love and care they still shared, even with the events that happened before. I was amazed..I could never have that love, care, or trust these two had. Its just amazing. I wonder what they say about Fairy Tail is true or not.

~Authors Note~
Hey!! This is now my 2nd fan fiction on anime. yay!! I just wanted to let you know that I'm also writing other stories too. One of them is called Hiyokai!!!!! and the other one is called The Daughter of a Witch (Soul Eater FanFic). Plus, I would also like some feedback on the chapters whether their good or bad. So bye!!!

PS- I'm going to be writing small chapters on Hiyokai!!!!! So that I can update more frequently. But for this story and Daughter of a Witch, give me at least a week and a couple days later to update, you know...long chapters and little time don't go so well together. Now official bye. Bye!!

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