"Forbidden Love"

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The sound of raindrops and thunder invade my ears as I seek for shelter. My muddy footprints are left in the dirt as I walk along a trail. The pyro vision given to me was the only thing keeping my hands from freezing off. It feels like I've been walking forever. I can feel my feet start to freeze as I continue through the storm.

I spot a glowing entrance in a side of a mountain, finally I can rest my feet! I start picking up my pace as the domain comes more into view. Putting all my focus into getting to the domain as soon as possible, I fail to realize my surroundings. 

Before I knew it my back was lying against a cold rocky floor and my vision slowly turned black. 

Warmth enveloped me. Nervously, I opened my eyes. An icey flower stood before me. Its chilling gaze sent shivers down my spine. it was a beautiful light blue color.

"W-what are you?" curse my stutter. It gave away my nervousness.

"What am I?" The deep but calming voice boomed in my ears, echoing in the cave. 

Realizing I was laying on a bush, I stood up wiping my knees, afraid to look up and see the entity before me. 

"Sorry for intruding-" I try to leave but a chilly plant stem stops me in my tracks. Sweating nervously, I make eye contact with the being. A feeling invoked in me that I had never felt before. It was a feeling of familiarity.

"You're shivering in your boots. Are you looking for shelter from the storm?" My breath caught in my throat. It felt like I couldn't speak.

"Yes... I must have fell in here while running towards a domain." I scratch the back of my neck, butterflies were sworming in my stomach. I couldn't stand upright.

"Would you like to stay the night then? Theres plenty of room, even with me in here. Though its quite chilly. You might want to stay close to me." 

I anxiously walk over to the plant and sit close to it, laying my head on the frigid leaves. The frosted leaves were inviting and created a sense of warmth.

"Comfortable with a stranger already?" The flower laughed and curled around me. Feelings bubbled in my chest as the laugh vibrated around the cave. 

I close my eyes and snugle up to the beautiful flower petals. I fall into a deep slumber thinking about the abstract creater I have just encountered.

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