New home.

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Journal entry NO.3 February 18TH 2018

I'm all settled into my new house, (not that there was much to unpack) it's not much of a looker but, it's a roof to live under. I still don't understand why my uncle left all this to me, or how he managed to pay for it all. I haven't been in his room yet.. But I've got a feeling there's an answer waiting for me in there. It gets dark quickly out here in the middle of nowhere, and the neighbors didn't seem all too welcoming, I'll probably run to town tomorrow to pick up groceries, at least they have a High-Mart in this small town...

         Closing the small laptop resting it on the old brown coffee table, I prop myself against the arm of the old brown couch, moving one of the dull blue frilly throw pillows behind my head leaning back into it, "This entire house smells of old.." I whisper to myself slowly closing my eyes, a slight smile creeping across my face as I thought of how I came from being essentially homeless in a big city to owning a house this large, in some Midwest small town. I didn't even know my uncle, mom said he disappeared in the middle of the night when they were younger, only to be heard from many years later, when I was still young, I don't remember much of the visit.. I remember pulling up to the large, dark, old house, it was down a street, isolated from any other home in the neighborhood, still is, the drive way up the hill it sat on was still dirt. The grass inside the black iron fence was somewhat overgrown, greener than anything outside of it. I remember looking up at the large Victorian style house, it was a mess then too, paint peeling, roof settling in, and it seemed to loom over me, like it was going to crash down onto me. But I can't remember anything after entering the house. I only get this anxious feeling deep, in my chest, it wraps around my heart and squeezes at it tightly. Shaking the thought out of my head, I relax slightly draping an arm over my eyes and let out a long drawn out sigh.

        Twisting darkness covers my vision, it's soft, and smells odd like wet earth...? It looks and feels like hair, but it's not, it's like it's pretending to be hair, I can feel it pulse, feel it breathe under my fingertips, as I grip at it trying to pull it away, it becomes sticky, the more I pull the, more hair there is, I open my mouth to yell for help, but like liquid it fills my mouth and lungs. I'm drowning. I'm enveloped by the twisting darkness, as I choke on it, my lungs and throat burn, I close my eyes tightly, they feel like they could pop. Then, nothing, it's not hot, it's not cold, I don't feel, I think, I know.. I try to open my eyes but they are already open, two massive glowing red orbs stare at me, they see me, they know me. The darkness is sucked up by the red orbs almost instantly, before they disappear, leaving me in blinding white, I try to call out, a silent name leaves my mouth as my lips move, I reach out to grab at something, I begin to fall.

       I wake up.. I'm on the floor next to the couch I passed out on my face pushed into the furry crimson carpeting, arm outstretched fist clenched. My clothes are wet, but it doesn't feel like sweat. It's not sticky, I don't smell much.. I smell like rain..? I place my hands against the floor pushing myself up off of it, do I feel heavier..? No probably not. looking around as I sat myself back down on the couch. Yep the room is just as dark as i left it, I thought leaning back.. "Wait.." I look through the nearest window, the curtains covered it for the most part but, light should still seep in, but none did. "Did I not sleep?" I asked fishing into my pocket to pull out my phone, it's battery was almost dead..? I had just charged it yesterday.. And today is...? I stare at the screen blankly, Feb. 20th sitting right there in the top right corner. I laugh softly, setting my phone down opening the small laptop I was typing on, "Silly me, I put the date in my phone wro-" I'd cut my own sentence short, my hands shaking slightly as they hovered over the keyboard, it was the 20th, I had slept a full 2 days.. The pain in my chest, tightening around my heart a loud thumping in my ears, like drums, playing a song I could never know.. I'd slowly stand, nodding to myself and taking a deep breath. Putting my phone back in my pocket, and checking for my keys, as I left through the front door, locking it.

      I looked around, it really was night time.. The only source of light was the moon's heavy glow, it tinted everything steel, and why was it so close..? Shaking my head, I walked the paved driveway down into the street, walking along the road, as I got closer to the end of the street I'd see more houses, why were they so far away? I'd walk by my 'neighbors' lost in thought as I made my way to the High-Mart, the fuzzy blue glow coming off the sign and from the inside of the stark white, rectangular building was calming, it felt cozy, it brought me in closer.. As I stepped through the automatic glass doors, it felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders, and I could swear I heard a small wispy hiss. I took a deep breath of the cool circulated air, it always seemed lighter than anything outside. The fluorescent lights had a barely noticeable blue hue to them. All of the aisles lined up nicely in the center of the building. I love it, especially now, in the dead of night when it's usually just me and the cashier..

       I quickly made my way to the refrigerated section, just another good thing about them, all of them were exactly the same, everything was right where you remembered it.. Grabbing a cold coffee, it was High-Mart's brand, it was in some generic brown can the word Hi printed onto it in white, and coffee just underneath in black, I made my way to the front, looking at a bag of chips along the way, you know for sleeping so long, I didn't feel hungry, or thirsty. I still felt tired though, l mean how could I get any good sleep with a dream like that.. All I could really remember at this point though was black, red, and the uneasiness I felt that made my stomach do flips.. I was snapped back into reality, by the young woman working asking if that was all I needed. I just nodded, grabbing my wallet, pulling out a few ones, holding them out for her, watching her bag my coffee... and chips..? When did I grab a bag of chips..? I shrugged and pulled out another one. She was pale, dark bags under her eyes, and long black hair.. The kids working here were always like that though. "Thanks" I said as I took my bag heading back home, the sun had started to peak over the horizon, and the cool night breeze was gone, being replaced by warm stuffy air. I hated it..

       I entered the home.. My home, closing the door behind me and locking it, kicking off my shoes before I head back into the kitchen, pulling my coffee out of the bag and tossing the chips onto the table. I opened the coffee and started to drink, recoiling in disgust as the liquid touched my lips, it felt oily and had the consistency of slime, was it old..? I went to the sink and began to pour it down the drain, it looked normal... "What's going on...?" I said out loud, I sighed setting the can down next to the sink. Heading to the first floor bathroom, it was small and cramped, it didn't have a bath or shower. I turned on the cold water in the sink, letting it run for a bit before placing both of my hands under it, lowering my face to splash water up into it. I looked up into the mirror water slowly running down my face. I almost didn't recognize who was staring back at me. My eyes were so tired and sunken, I looked older than I remember. I'd splashed my face again, before straightening back up, turning off the water and wiping my face with a decorative towel hanging to the right and above the sink, I'd take one last glance in the mirror it wasn't me. Turning off the bathroom light I went back into the kitchen, sitting at the small four person dining table, I threw the chips on earlier.

        I didn't sit long though, I couldn't sit long. I stood, slowly making my way around the house that was slowly being lit up by the rising sun, the place looked like it was owned by some old man who had too much money, random items, from different time periods, and different cultures were just about anywhere you looked. I'd take my phone, keys and wallet, setting them all on the coffee table my laptop sat on, plugging my phone in first to charge. I just need to clear my head, I sighed, flipping open the lid to my grey laptop, the screen lighting the dim room slightly competing against the rays of sun intruding. I opened up the internet and went to my email, looking through it, through all the spam, all advertisements for High-Corp. The Corporation that runs High-mart, talking about all of their new services or products. They were always so formal and personalized Using your name, or mentioning the nearest store. I never thought much of it, just them showing they care and wanted to go the extra mile. For a brief second the email flashes, the white page turned black with red writing, I couldn't see what it said before it turned back. I hear it rumble and chant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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