Chapter 1: With Sophomore Year Comes Changes.

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Marble Hills High School. A fairly popular high school where I live. Good education system, good staff, good student and staff moral.. No. Scratch that. The moral is wobbly, and that's all thanks to School Clubs.

My name is Luna Miles. A sophomore here at Marble Hills High School. I am what most teenagers would call, a "Loner" or "The Shy Kid". I didn't grow up around people, I was homeschooled from kindergarten to the end of Middle School. Stuck inside almost everyday. My older brother Terrance, a Junior in college, somehow convinced my parents to send me to a public high school, for some reason.

You could say I wasn't to excited about this. I preferred just staying inside all day, away from world, and people. My brother said he was seeing signs of "social anxiety" or somethin', and wanted to get me use to people before it got worse. I think he's just paranoid, but what can ya do when your barely a teen?

I made it very clear my first few days of High School that I was NOT looking for friends. I avoided other students as much as I could, and I'll be honest. I was cold to anyone that tried to talk or befriend me. Though I didn't care what reputation my attitude gave me. I just wanted to finish my classes and go home.

The worst part was the School Clubs. I wasn't joking when I said the clubs affected the school's moral. Each and every club feels the need to cause drama and be competitive. Do something wrong? Someone will find a way to tear down your club's outlook with it. Someone doesn't like your club topic? Expect constant insults from them and their followers. Hell, even if you have any sort of relationship with someone from another club, both of those clubs will be in ruin. I once heard of a student getting suspended from club activity's cause they found out she's best friends with another student. From a different club. It's nuts.

Monday morning. I turn off my alarm and rolled over. The weekend had ended and I'm grumpy as always. It's only been a week into Sophomore year and I already hated it. I got up and change, and when I went downstairs, Terrance was already eating breakfast and Dad was halfway out the door when he noticed me. "Early morning, love bug. We'll practice when I get home. Have a good day!" and out he went.

Me and my dad like to practice music together, but his job has wonky hours and sometimes has him going to work early. My mom sets my plate down and motions me to come sit.

I look over at Terrance, "School's not for another hour and a half.. Your eating like your late for something." I said.

"I was late for school twice last week, and my part-time job. I don't wanna be late again. So we're leaving early." He replied.

I groaned. Leaving early for school, doesn't sound that great, does it? Mom sat down next to me with her plate and said "C'mon, Luna. School's not that bad. No need to be so down."

"It's not school, mom. Its the people! You know I'd rather be alone, and away from everyone's drama." I looked away and shoved a piece of pancake in my mouth.

"That's exactly why your going. So you can get over this phase and actually like people." Terrance resorts.

"I can get by in life perfectly fine without having people to drag me down." I snapped back at him.

"Children! Stop arguing." Mom warned.

We said sorry to Mom and continued eating. After breakfast we hopped into my brother's car and began our way to school. After awhile, Terrance glanced at me and said, "Listen, Luna. I know you can get by in life alone, your smart and talented. But if you can't at least feel comfortable talking with new people, how are you gunna get anywhere?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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