1. Witch and Wizard

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   Word count: 2897

"UP! Now!" *Thump! Thump! Thump!*    

The banging came from the door. It was your alarm telling you to wake up. This alarm's name was Petunia and just like every other alarm you hated it. Most people hate their alarms because they wake you from a marvelous dream and a good sleep, while this alarm did the same thing it also did other things amongst that. Your alarm would make you go hungry, clean the whole house, make food, and do their laundry. Of course, you weren't alone. You had your brother, Harry, who went through the same treatment.

And it's not like doing these was bad, just simple chores right? It was the fact that if you didn't do it right you either got beat or didn't eat for a week, and the fact that no one else did any of the cleanings, Petunia did some of the cooking but not every night it was mostly up to you and Harry and if you didn't make it well. Well, you didn't get any dinner.

You get out of bed and head to the bathroom to shower, brush your hair and teeth, and then head back to your room to get changed. You then made your way downstairs where you heard the noise of the Durslys eating breakfast. 

Harry was coming out of his 'room'. It's not a room they kinda just shoved him into a closet under the stairs. Harry is 10 now, he's small which is lucky since his 'room' is pretty cramped. You both made your way into the kitchen after Dudley - yours and Harry's cousin - ran past you both yelling about how they were going to the zoo today for his birthday.

"You!" Patunia yelled while pointing at you. "Mind the bacon. And don't dare to let it burn. I want everything to be perfect for my dumpling's special day."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia. Wouldn't wanna ruin the day." You said in a passive-aggressive tone, then quickly went to manage the bacon careful not to burn it. 

"Hurry and bring my coffee boy," Vernon yelled from his chair in the dining room. He was reading the newspaper like he does every morning before work. Harry rushed over with his coffee careful not to spill it. 

"How many are there?" Dudley asked staring at the pile of presents all under his name.

"Thirty-six, counted them myself," Vernon said seeming proud of his statement.

"Thrity-six, but last year, last year I had thirty-seven!" Dudley screamed. He had always been a very spoiled little boy. Always getting what he wanted when he wanted it. For years Dudley got a lot of overpriced presents, he had two rooms, until last year when your aunt and uncle finally decided that you were too big for the attic. Well, the attic had a lot of privacy and space the ceiling was just too short for you now.

"Well some of them are quite a bit bigger than last year."

"I don't care how big they are."

"Now, now, here's what will do. Today when we're out, we'll buy you two new presents. How's that Popkin?" Petunia suggested trying to calm Dudley down. Which must have done the trick since he was now rummaging through the room figureing out which present to open first.

While Dudley rushed to open his presents, Petunia answered the phone, while you and Harry went to start your chores for the day. An hour or so later you guys were on your way out of the house to go to the Zoo for Dudley's birthday. You and Harry were just about to climb into the car when your uncle stopped you both saying he needed a word.

"I'm warning you now, Any funny business, any at all and you both won't have any meals for a week," Vernon said while pointing the tip of the car keys back and forth between your faces. Without saying anything else but a nod of the head from each of you, you got into the car and all made your way to the zoo.

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