tpn oc

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( update this is old and i dont like it....i promise this is not how i usually draw 🙏🏾😞)

i made her in a random outfit but i hope you get the idea of how she looks

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i made her in a random outfit but i hope you get the idea of how she looks

here is an incorrect version of the uniform that i messed up unintentionally 🥶 messy on purpose because i don't have time to make a real piece

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here is an incorrect version of the uniform that i messed up unintentionally 🥶 messy on purpose because i don't have time to make a real piece

her name is jada, she's 11, shes black, has dark brown eyes, and really tall for her age.

her id number is 53045, i didn't know what to make her id so i just made it her birthday........

she's not good at socializing but smiles a lot despite how she actually feels, she is really good at art especially for her age, and gets annoyed really easily

doesn't find anyone attractive,

will hate her enemies for as long as she lives

gets really awkward around people

she doesn't like being comforted and she'd rather do things herself

most of these seem bad but she's actually really nice and hyper, but she doesn't show it until she gets to know you very well.

she is ALWAYS tired no matter how much sleep she gets, and loves playing tag.

forgot to mention that she smiles at the worst times (i do the same dw)

you can tell her that one of her siblings just died and she'll smile, not from insanity or happiness, but from shock and denial (will most likely try to hide it...)

you will never catch her crying, she'll only do it when she knows she is alone. she will accept her death anytime, but has a fear of the afterlife

though she doesn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone, she'll still love you

not, in a weird way. she is genuinely happy most of the time, but usually you can't tell how she feels because her face expressions never change....she is always smiling

she is really smart if she puts her mind to it.

extremely fast, doesn't get sick easily but gets allergies a lot

has a wild imagination, and loves reading.

you'll catch her cuddling her pillow really often

will sometimes drool in her sleep, and prefers being inside then outside.


if she wanted to be friends with you (even though you are already siblings by heart....), she would probably distance herself away from you without realizing it so she doesn't seem weird.

talks to emma a lot but avoids norman and ray.

is usually with isabella

i am actually planning to let her be shipped, but she doesnt die LOOL srry guys 🤞🏾🙁

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