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Judith Grimes is 14 years old and lives in a house with her family; her mom Michonne, her dad Rick, who is the sheriff, and her younger brother RJ.
Her older brother Carl is alive and well, away at college.
Judith's uncle Daryl, his dog named Dog, and his foster daughter Lydia does also live with the family.

They have some really nice neighbors as well;

First we have Carol Peletier, her husband Ezekiel and their son Henry, who lives next door. Carol and Daryl are best friends, and Henry is Lydia's boyfriend.
(Both Lydia and Henry are starting their senior year in high school.)
Carol also has a daughter named Sophia who is the same age as Carl (Sophia and Carl have been best friends since they were little), and is actually at the same college as him as well.

Next door to Carol and Ezekiel lives Ezekiel's best friend Jerry, his wife Nabila and all their kids.

Across the street from the Grimes family we have the Rhee's; Glenn, Maggie and their son Hershel, who is a little older than RJ. Maggie and Glenn also have a foster daughter, Enid. Although she is more like their little sister than their daughter. Enid is also at college, studying to be a doctor.

Next door to the Rhee family we have Rosita Espinosa and that whole circus. With the circus we're talking about her toddler daughter Coco, Coco's father Siddiq (who is a doctor), Rosita's boyfriend Gabriel (who is the priest), and Eugene Porter (or like Judith likes to call him; Eugenius). Eugene is Rositas best friend-ish.
Yeah, that household is a little confusing, but they're all very nice.

Next door to Rosita's lives Aaron and his daughter Gracie. Gracie is a little older than Hershel, but still a few years younger than Judith. Aaron has a boyfriend who's called Jesus. Jesus lives in an apartment with his best friend Tara.

In another house in the neighborhood lives Magna, Yumiko, Luke, Connie and Kelly. Connie and Kelly are sisters, and speak sign language since Connie is deaf, and Kelly is losing her hearing as well. Yumiko and Magna are dating, and Luke is the local music teacher. Daryl spends a lot of time with Connie, and even learning sign language for her. He says it's because Dog likes, but the truth is that he likes her too.

Alright, that was basically the neighborhood.
There are obviously more people living in the town, and overall it's a small town so everyone pretty much knows everyone.

Summer is ending, and Judith Grimes is about to start high school...

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