Finding out, Rejecting, and the truth Pt 1

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( I don't know what to put for the title! So I just put that, I'm bad at titling stories 😭. Sorry for the bad title ⊙_⊙ )

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(I hope it shows the person's name who requested)

"Useless Piece Of Shit!" One of the students shouted as they swung on the poor black-haired male.  The male just laid there with tears falling down his cheek. He clenches his bruised up stomach. "Why does this happen to me" He choked up. He got up from the ground and limped over to the closes bathroom that was near him. Before the black-haired male went inside the bathroom. He looked around to see if he spotted anyone around. Then he checked in the bathroom, and it was clear too. He went in and locked the door in case someone walks in.

The black hair male took off his bag and shoved his hand inside to find two certain items. He felt what he wanted. Then he pulled them out of the bookbag.  He squirted some foundation on the top of his hand. He grabbed the beauty blender and dabbed it into the foundation. He patted the Beauty blender onto his skin where the bruises were.

He blended it real good till it looked like he didn't put any foundation on it, well sorta. The male washed his hands off in the sink to clear off the foundation. He turned off the faucet. He wiped off his wet hands onto his uniform, then placed them on the rear of the sink. He looks up to the mirror and stares at himself. He mumbles a negative things about himself, How he wasn't worth it or wasn't manly enough. After afterwhile of staying in the bathroom telling himself negative thoughts, he walked out the bathroom door. The young black-haired male walked over to his next class. The class was so boring. So he spaced out a couple of times in class with no one noticing, as he thought, there was one particular person that was watching him...

After school

The young boy was walking out of the school limping.

Kirishima Pov

I was limping myself out of school. My leg was aching in pain, It was hurting so much. I can't wait to get home, but my mom will see me limping.

Oh well, I'll tell her I just fell down the stairs when I was talking to my " friends ".  As I kept walking, I could see so many butterflies flying everywhere around a flowery garden. I walked past the garden.  I stopped by the flowering garden to admire all of the beautiful butterflies and flowers.  A couple of the butterflies fluttered on me. " Oi  Nerd!" I heard someone yell. "please don't be them! Please don't be them!". I prayed to myself. I started speed walking.

The person grabbed my wrist and dragged me back into them. I looked to see who they were, and it was, BAKUGOU!. I pulled back my wrist from his grip and stepped a couple of steps away from him.

" Oh hi, Bakugou..." I gave him an awkward smile, " what are you doing nerd!?" He asked me, moving both of his hands in his pockets. " I was walking home till I saw all of these butterflies in that garden. I just walked up to it to admire the butterflies " I pointed to the garden. " Theirs some of those things on you" he rolled his eyes. " For Real!?!" My eyes widen. He just nodded. " That's so cool! I really should be going. I have to get home to eat. My ma is making Pambazos!" I licked my lips. " bye!" I waved goodbye to bakugou. I forgot I was still limping.

" Oi, Why are you limping nerd!" He shouted. I turned around to face him. " Well, My friends and I were hanging out. I was too caught up chatting with them. I forgot I was still going down the stairs. So I A7fell down the stairs"  I gave him an apprehensive chuckle. " Well, you should be fucking paying attention!" He shouted. Bakugou and I drove our separate ways to get home.-

All last night I was thinking if I should confess to bakugou! He and I have been friends since we were six. I had a crush on him when I was nine years old. It's so hard to keep your feelings away from your best friend. I don't want anything to happen between us. I don't know where I'll be if I didn't have him by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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