About Y/n Bennet-Hale

18 0 0

Hi my names y/n and this is my story.

I'm 17 but will be 18 on May 22nd which is only a couple of weeks way.
I've spent my entire life in mystic falls with my mum Bonnie Bennett but little did I know that the supernatural exists well until a couple of days ago.
I've never met my dad but mum told me that he's a werewolf like my uncle Tyler and everyone else in my family is vampires apart from uncle matt who is a human that never seems to die there is also jermey my mums boyfriend and he's kinda like a stepdad to me hes human aswell even though he's a hunter.
I also found out I'm a werewolf like my dad and a witch like my mum so I'm a hybrid but the only reason I only just found out this is my mum suppressed my powers till I'm 18 which is why I'm going to beacon Hills to find my dad because mum says it's time and he can help teach me better but I don't really want to because if he wanted me around he would have shown up by now and mum knows me opinion on this but she says the reason he's not around is because he never new about me which really ticked me off.
Anyway enough with the big things here is some little facts.
I'm a very sarcastic person
I have major anger issues also knows as I. E. D.
I have hazle eyes a mix from my mum and dad from the pictures I've seen
I've got an attitude
I don't usually let people get close to me because they always end up leaving.
And I have dark brown hair like both parents
And that's all there really is to know

Thanks for reading so far
I know it's not the best but it's my first book but let me know if there's any improvements you think 9 could make.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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