Will lucy go with her heart?

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I couldn't stop my breathing, I could feel the sweat drip from my forehead, my heart beating at a million miles a minute. "What am I doing?" "This isn't me" I love natsu, but I'm over the games with him, I wish he told me how he felt because it's so draining to love someone who over looks you the way natsu does.*bangs on door* "Lucy are you in there?" Grey said. I gasped but I had my hand covering my muffled noise. "Lucy I just want to talk to you". "What do you want grey" I say, I can feel myself growing more agitated , because I knew in my heart what I was doing was wrong. I was betraying natsu. I've always had my heart since that day he rescued me when I was falling from that crumbling tower. I would always talk with happy and happy always made it seem like natsu spoke highly of me. Sadly I know I'm not the only other girl that loves him , I've seen the way Ezra looks at him and even though they don't always get along it made my blood boil. "Lucy open up please"
I give in and I open the door, grey presses my back to the wall, I can feel his chain on my chest with his cross, looking me up and down licking his lips . "You know how I've felt about you Lucy, for the longest time I've always wanted you but I always had to fight natsu for your attention, I hated him, deep down there's love but he aggravates the shit out of me" "that's why I fight him so much" it's frustrating. "I can't do that to Juvia" I say. The smell of greys body close to mine was intoxicating, I felt my cheeks become red and redder. I knew how Juvia felt about grey it was obvious, she made it known grey was hers and I feel like there was some competition, atleast in her eyes. So possessive of him she is. But he doesn't feel the same, he warmed up to her sometimes at most. "Juvia isn't here" "why are you so worried about Juvia , I'm more concerned about you and I " I felt the warmest peck on my forehead, my knees then started shaking. My pulse was going crazy, like nothing I've ever felt before. "Lucy snap out of it" I keep having to say out loud because I'm still so in love with a man I'm not even sure loves me back. Grey came in closer and whispered in my ear "you're cute, you know that right" then lightly grabbed my face and gave my neck and cheek a subtle kiss. Wait what is that I hear ? Wait is that happy ? I see happy running "grey ? GREY? Do you see happy or am in hallucinating " grey lost in my eyes I tried to get him to snap out of it , "what? " surprised he realized happy was really running to us . His wings came out as he decided he was not going fast enough to tell what he needed to reveal. Happy bursted through the doors and that's when he said and showed video proof of Juvia and natsu having "intimate relations" my head started feeling light, my eyes going black, my heart dropping, black all of it everywhere it was dark, sirens , healers on hand...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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