'But mother, must I go?' I said in sadness.

'Yes dear, you know if you don't there will be harsh consequences.' My mother replied.

I sighed knowing exactly what would happen if I didn't  go to the castle.

'Alright I'll go. But only because I don't want anything happening to you or Baekhyun.' I said in defeat.

Byun Soo Jin is my mother and Byun Baekhyun is my older brother. I on the other hand, has a whole different last name. It's Na Y/N. I'm actually adopted. I still don't know who my real parents are and where they are. Everytime I ask mother, she avoids the question.

'Baekhyun help your sister pack her bags.' Mother said in sadness.

'Yes mother.' He replied.

'Hurry up shorty, you don't wanna be late do you?' Baekhyun quickly said as he ran to my room.

'Yah! I'm not short!' I said running after him.


I look at my necklace my mother gave me. Its made out of amethyst and jade.

'I'm going to miss you both so much.' I said quietly to myself, knowing I will probabaly never get see my family again.

'Ma'am? We are about to arrive.' Said the driver.

'Ah, okay. Thanks for letting me know.' I replied.

When we got there the driver helped me take my bags to the entrance of the castle. When I got to the door, I saw a butler standing there smiling at me.

'I've been waiting for you.' He said.

Well thats not creepy or anything....
Finally 1st chapter done, took me longer than it should have.🙄

🄼🄸🅂🅃 (🄰🅃🄴🄴🅉 🄵🄵)  ~ON HOLD~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt