ancestral war and the story of a girl

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One day their was a war in the curpted lands it is said that who ever walks their goes mad but no one ever said that whoever fly's on it gets mad. A battle between fallen angels and archangels their battle started when an archangel was framed for killing a fallen angel. The one who killed the fallen angels was.......

Highschool time

Grace:(stretching and yawning) I'm so tired I could sleep on rocks

Valentine:Good morning grace

Grace:Good morning Valentine how's your day?

Valentine: my days been going good how about yours?

Grace:my days been pretty lazy

Valentine: well its almost lunch so wanna hang out?

Grace: yeah sure were do we go?

Valentine:how about the roof of the school?

Grace:yeah sure

Lunch time

Grace: gee Valentine sure is late......wait what's that sound? A sphere of darkness?

Demonic voice: om kara kara bishi bishi kon con gyaken oni oman.......

Zeplin: oh fallen angels bless thy land......rid this world of darkness and sin holy sword repulser!

Demonic voice: shakin byagon.... Gahk!(stabbed)

Zeplin: order!(demon desinegrated)

Grace: what in the world are you?

Zeplin: im a fallen angel

Valentine: get away from here you scum!

Zeplin:oh!(guards sword) well your a surprise aren't you? You archangel scum the girl behind you saw you in your true form

Grace: Va..lentine?

Valentine: its not what you think Grace

Zeplin: it is what you think don't listen to him he was born an angel

Valentine: shut up! You scum

Zepline: can you please stop calling me a scum?

Grace: stop it both of you!

Zeplin: hey you feel it to don't you?

Valentine: yeah lots of them are coming

Grace: don't ignore me like that!

Valentine: Grace go hide yourself!

Grace: no! I'm staying here!

Zeplin: protect her Valentine I'll chant a spell

Valentine: Fine Grace get behind me

Zeplin: those who have fallen may visit thy protector fallen by those who was killed by death HOLY SPHERE!

Valentine: for a fallen angel your pretty good

Zeplin: thanks

Zeplin & valentine: what the?!(gets pulled in the leg)

Grace: valentine!

Fire demon: join the dark side and thy may have the two.......

Zeplin: don't believe him!

Grace:(spreads wings)

Valentine & Zeplin: that's! A wing made of holyness and another wing made of darkness......

Fire demon: Half archangel and half fallen angel!

Grace: go back to were thy came from fowl beast in thy name of holyness........ Slaying void spell number 9....... Chain judgment......... Void spell number 6...... Dark abyss...... Slaying spell number 8 red void cannon!

Fire demon: Magnifico!(disintegrates)

Grace:hufff.......hufffff....(passes out)

Zepline: the prophesy is starting

Valentine: yeah..... We must train her to fight.........


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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