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(This is before luffy ate the Gum Gum fruit and before he stabbed himself) and read the description it's part of the story I DO NOT OWN THE PHOTO ABOVE NOR DO I OWN ONE PIECE (Insert that's you meme)

"ZURIII (yes i'm using my name again same rules apply to the SanjiXReader I made) COME HERE" you heard shanks yell so you started to make your way through the little crowd and once you spot shanks you run over to him and smile "Hi Uncle Shanks!" you usually called everyone on his crew Uncle or Aunt because they were close friends to your dad and you liked his crew you thought it was cool. "I have a friend i want you to meet make sure to be nice okay" he said crouching to reach your level and smiling "Okay!" you said excited to see who your new friends was "LUFFYYYY COME OUTTTT" Shanks screamed towards the other direction then turned back around and smiled at you "Hiiiiii i'm luffy whats your name!" said Luffy with a really bright smile you flashed your smile back and said "I'm Zuri!" "Wanna go play!" Luffy said looking at you eagerly "YEAH" you said as he grabbed your hand and ran off "Well... they hit it off" said Shanks smiling "They're so cute" Yasopp said as he squinted towards where you and Luffy ran off  "Where are we going" you said to Luffy excited "Shhhhh We gotta be quiet i only know this place... oh and shanks knows this place to." Luffy said honestly you giggled as you kept going and then you go to this small cave "This is my secret hide out" luffy said proudly "Oooooh so cool" you said looking at the cave "C'mon follow me" he said grabbing your hand and walking in but then when you saw how dark it was you stopped "What's wrong" luffy said confused why you stopped "It's so dark what if it has bugs in it...." you said scared Luffy smiled at you and got away from the entrance he walked up to you and smiled innocently "It's not scary"  his words were honest and made you feel a bit more confident "here" he said putting his arms around your shoulders "Let's go in together" he smiled at you for your answer and you smiled back "Ok! but if theres anything scary then we're leaving!" you both started laughing then slowly walked in the cave soon luffy took his arm from around your shoulder which made you scared for the second he did then he grabbed your hand and started swinging your arm back and forth when you two got to the end the was a small lake and some small blue lights or bugs the made blue lights around the lake "See" he said smiling at you "It's so pretty" you said smiling at him then the lake you two sat there for a while then Luffy looked at you "Hey zuri..." he said making you perk up "yeah?" luffy looked kind of scared then he sat up straight and smiled "Lets make a promise" you smiled "Okay!" luffy held his hand up and said "I Luffy will promise to be my friend Zuri's best friend forever and when i become the king of the pirates she will be right there on my crew" he said and smiled at you then you raised your hand and said "I Zuri promises to be my friend Luffy's best friend forever and when he become the king of the pirates i will be right there on his crew" you smiled back and he hugged you and you did the same "Hey Luffy you in here" you heard someones voice who you and luffy recognized as Shanks "No!" Luffy said and you two started laughing and covering your mouths then shanks walked in and smiled at you two then started tickling you two which made you and Luffy laugh even harder  "Hey Uncle Shanks guess what" you said as you 3 walked out hand in hand "What?" he said looking at you with an eyebrow raised and a grin on his face "Luffys gonna be the King of the pirates before you" Shanks's laugh echoed throughout the tunnel Luffy, now mad, started kicking rocks you squeezed Shanks's hand as hard as he could "Owww! what was that for" he said as he looked at you with a sympathetic look because he knew you were mad "It's true! Luffy will be the king of the pirates and he will become it before you do!" Shanks lifted you up and sat you on his shoulders "Heyyyyyy!" you said kicking his chest and hitting his back "Owieeee that hurts Zuri please stop kicking and hitting me" he said you knew at that moment he was smiling so you just deflated knowing he wasn't gonna change his mind "Shes true Shanks! I will become the king of the pirates and i'll have the greatest crew in the universe right zuri!" he said as he looked at shanks and smirked "RIGHT!" you said smiling "Oh, really? well guess i'll have some competition" you walked outside and to the ship then suddenly out of nowhere luffy was on the head with a knife "I'm not kidding. I'm serious now. I'll show you!" he said to Shanks as you came out  Shanks started laughing "Okay then show us i wonder what you will do this time!" he said "Whats happening daddy?" you said to your dad aka Benn Beckman "Luffys up to his nonsense again" he said looking at you gently and placing you on his shoulders giving you a piggyback ride in order to see "knowing luffy it'll be something childish!" someone else said you saw him hold the knife to his face and start shaking then he stabbed right under his eye and the rest of the crew started screaming as you started crying and Shanks stood there shocked for a second then luffy screamed "Ouch!!!" then shanks looked at him angerly "You idiot! what are you doing!" luffy started crying saying "It hurts!" then you guys went to the bar and for some reason had a toast to celebrate luffys courage and luffy tried to act tough by you saying "Ah it didn't hurt at all" while you and Shanks just sat there and said in unison with the same expression "Liar don't do stupid things like that" then luffy turned to shanks mad "I'm not afraid of hurting myself! Take me to your next trip! I want to be a pirate too!" you almost spat out your food when he said that "As i said someone like you can't be a pirate! You don't know how to swim you'd just be a burden!"  luffy jumped down from his chair and faced shanks "So what if i can't swim i'll just make sure i don't fall off the ship! Also i am good in fights! I train a lot my punch is as strong as a pistol" you giggled as shanks looked unamused "a pistol, really?"  Luffy was really angry "Why are you talking like that!?" then the crew started encouraging Luffy and making him more excited while you just ate your food "Don't encourage him" Shanks said with a spoon in his mouth then the crew kept talking and you just ignored them as you were more interested in your food then talking then shanks gave luffy some juice and Luffy brightened up a bit until shanks started laughing  then some pirates came in and started talking about beer you looked up and so did your father and the rest of the crew then he hit the beer that shanks offered him breaking the beer and left the whole crew for some reason started laughing confusing you and luffy luffy then yelled at shanks say that it was uncool and you just sat there by your dad and raised your eyebrow and shanks simply said it's nothing worth getting mad over luffy said whatever and started eating a fruit that was in a treasure chest you were curious what it tasted like but stayed in your seat 


"Daddy, Uncle Shanks, Uncle Yasopp.... do you really have to go?" you said in between tears Luffy was already crying holding the hat shanks gave to him. Your dad just looked at you and smiled "Don't worry. We'll see each other again." shanks said hugging you then your dad came over and hugged you "I love you, promise you'll be good to makino ok." he whispered to you as he kissed you forehead "Promise" you said after you kissed his forehead "Well kid i bet you'll miss me huh?" yasopp said making you laugh then he gave you a hug goodbye the soon went on your ship and started yelling their good byes as you and luffy did the same while crying from the docks a couple weeks later Garp came down and took luffy then saw you before he left and took you with him and luffy making you two happyhe left you with a orange haired women and told you and luffy to say hi "Yo" luffy said "wassup" you said then you two tried to hang out with a kid named Ace who didn't seem to like you two then later on (cough after months) you and luffy finally caught up to him and met a kid named Sabo you guys had a whole bunch of fun (after the whole bluejam stuff) later on Sabo "died" and you guys kept growing sadly without him but once you and luffy were 17 you two left and luffy punched the sea beast and  then you two fell in a whirlpool so you and luffy jumped in a barrel (it was CRAMPED) and met  coby then you started heading to the next island and blah blah blah you get it.

To be continued

Yeah ik this was boring next chapter they'll be in sabaody before the timeskip and itll get more interesting😏😏 - Author San ✋🏽😂✌🏽

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