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I gazed down at the tombstone in front of me and wonder how something like this could have happened to somebody like him.Somebody who was the most beautiful person inside and out.

 Why would this happen tohim..to us? I tried my damnedest to understand the reasoning, but I could never think of a good reason no matter how hard I tried.It seems like it was only yesterday that I fell in love with him. What did he ever do to deserve a punishment such as this? I read the quote on the tombstone as I felt a tear slowly stream down my cheek.

 It read, "Here lies Solar Light Eclipse. Loving Brother, Friend and Musician. Loved by Few and Known by Fewer''

These words didn't even begin to describe Solar. He was also the most stubborn, but    intelligent, loving and humble person to ever live. I never thought that he could be hurt like
this. I still wonder what could possess somebody to commit such an act of hatred against another human being. "How in the hell could somebody do this to him? Why didn't I stay with him that night? I could tell that he needed me to protect him by the tone of his voice." 

I pondered as I fell to my knees and wiped the leaves, dirt and snow off of his grave site. I continued in thought, "I should have done more to protect him. He was all that mattered to me and now, he's gone forever,''I whispered to Solar's grave hoping that somehow he would hear me one final time.
"Rest well my angel. I have a feeling that I'll be joining you soon. I don't know how much
longer I can go on without you. Nothing's the same since you've been gone."

Thorn, who is Solar's younger brother of two years walked up silently behind me and
helped me to my feet. He tried to comfort me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and saying, "I know how hard it is for you Thunder. We all miss him so much,that it hurts. There's not a single moment that goes by that I don't think about him or wish that he was still with us. But you know that Solar wouldn't want anybody to morn for him. Especially you. He'd want you to move on and find somebody else to love." 

I pushed Thorn away and yelled harshly, "I don't want anybody but Solar! He was my whole world. It should be me in the ground and not him. I can't go on without him in my life. Besides, I know that I'l never love anybody the way that I loved him and nobody will love me the way that he did." 

I ran off crying hysterically. Thorn ran after me but couldn't keep up with my pace.
I made it to a nearby park and slowed my pace.I thought back on all of the memories
that I have made with Simon and couldn't help but smile even though I knew that l'd never be
able to experience them again or have the chance to make new ones. 

All the nights we stayed up late talking and telling stories and holding one another through the hard times made losing him all the more difficult.I ran out of breath a few hundred feet away
and stopped completely to catch my breath. I leaned against an oak tree and slid down it slowly as my face sunk into my knees and I continued to weep. 

Suddenly, I felt a gentle hand resting on my shoulder. I looked up hoping that it was Solar and that I had been having a terrible nightmare the whole time. My hopes were shattered when I looked behind me and seen Thorn standing there as his green
eyes made contact with my dull ruby eyes. I apologized to him and he offered to walk me home.

I said, "No thanks, I needed some time alone to clear my thoughts." Thorn and I went our separate ways for what I was assuming would be the last time. On the way home I walked by the old cafe where Solar and I had our first date. I could almost taste the hamburger I ate and smell the fish that Solar had ordered. 

I forced myself to start walking faster. I did not want to be reminded of him. He was the only source of happiness in my life and it was snuffed out too soon. He could have done so many amazing things for the world if he was given the chance. I walked by a liquor store and decided that Iwould try to buy a bottle of whiskey to help with my pain. Maybe some alcohol would numb the pain of living without the love of my life or at least dull it for a little while and help
me forget about him for a short amount of time. 

Unforgiving Memories (Kenangan yang Tidak boleh Dilupakan) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now