01. The Meet

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March 1997 ; Friday

The story starts from here, and so the nature does. March leads to the nature revival: Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, the air is getting warmer. But someone is still pretty depressed here these days.... See this guy just right there? He has got an F for a Physics test at Tuesday. Sadly to him, he doesn't really have any friends, just a typical frick: Messed hair, red jumper, black leather jacket and a signet on his finger.

- Kotaro, come here, i have some work for you.

Oh well, there is actually a single guy that keeps friendly relationships with Kotaro kun, his name is Izumi Watanabe, they are living pretty close to eachother so Izumi sees Kotaro almost everyday.

- Why did you ask me to bring my ass here?
- Calm down, it's just a test, you can rewrite it on the next week, but now you are better to listen me.

Kotaro's face got a pretty calmed look after Izumi's words, i guess, Izumi has a big affection on Kotaro.

- So what?
- It is an April soon, we need a new monthly photo collection.
- Ah, right, i took some last week and i assure, your jaw will hang open after you see them.

Izumi exhaled his breath and made a doubting face afterwards, but a girl suddenly joined the conversation.

- What are you guys talking about?
- Hello, Shibaishi-san, we are preparing our new photo collection to send at the competition.
- Wow, im very curious.
- "They aren't edited yet", Kotaro interrupted, "I will take care of it today after school.
- Fine then.

At Kotaro's home:

- Ah, i'm so tired. My bones will just break down right now...
- Welcome home, Kotaro, are you hungry?
- I will take some meal later, i have got some stuff to do now.
Kotaro's eyes were sparkling and his heart was running fast, he couldn't wait till he enters his room for...
"I am finally with you, my dude!" - Said Kotaro to his 9tendo game console. He has fully forgot about the things he needs to do and dived into the world of 16-bit games.

7:46 p.m ; somebody is knocking the door.

- "I will open the door!", shouted Kotaro to the whole house;
Oh, it's you, Izumi!
- Good evening, are you busy now?
- K.... kinda?
- I have just got some very unique news to tell you.
- Come in.

Kotaro placed the keetle and brought some cookies to Izumi.

- So what are they?
- Well.... A new guy joins our class tomorrow.
- Oh really!?? That's amazing, but it doesn't sound that epic as you told me on the threshold.
- Huh, the most important here - He is Russian.
- Wait, what!?
- An exchange student.

Kotaro's face was shining, you could even see the stars flying around him, he didn't ever have an abroad friend, and now he got an opportunity to have, his excitement was over the limit and this meet will change Izumi's and Kotaro's life forever.

The day after:

Kotaro was still wondered if he can make some friendly relationships with a new student, because Other countries and foreigners are like a new world for him, he didnt ever go abroad and doesn't really know anything about other countries except China, South Korea and Japan obviously. But he was even more wondered, it when he found out that the new student is already in the class he is studying in, he saw a big crowded circle of people around a guy.

- Izumi, what is going on here?
- Oh, hi, well, our classmates are meeting our new exchange student
- Wait, he has already arrived!?

His face got red and he felt hot because of the worries, but he was too high on curiosity, so he approached to him as the result.

- Uhh, nice to mee to you, huh. What is your name?
- My name is Dmitry, and your's?

Kotaro fell in thoughts of which country has that kind of names.

- Oh, well, my name is Kotaro.
- Nice name you have got

He has got a feeling like he was watching on a warm, fluffy. . . . . . wolf? That comparison is pretty weird, but it fits ideally to Kotaro's thoughts.

- Huh, thank you.
- Are you good in english?
- Uhh....

He never used English to someone before except the English teacher, so he didn't know what to answer.

- A bit, i guess, but i am really curious, what country are you from?
- Oh, right, i forgot to tell you. I am from Russia, Yekaterinburg city.

And in this moment, Kotaro tried to remember all countries he knew, he is a full zero in Geography and so in knowing any other countries which are n't in " The Great Seven". Russia isn't in this list anymore, so he got really confused.

- Wow, Russia.... I think, it is something on the East?
- No, it is on the west, Japan is literally neighbouring with Russia by the sea.
- Oh, i see.
- By the way...

Kotaro got a bit more curious

- Do you know where is the toilet here?

He couldn't predict this question, but he shown him the way to the restroom. He tried to explain him the most accessible way, but as result, he went with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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