Chapter 1

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I looked back at my parents one last time as I began to walk further into the line, heading toward my checkpoint. My mother smiled and waved and I gave a small snort through my nose as I watched my dad usher her away, rolling his eyes. She was always so dramatic, but I guess this was a big deal. I was moving away finally. And not just to another state, but to a whole other country, jeez a whole other continent: Japan.

I huffed out a nervous sigh as I set my suitcase and backpack on the wide rolling ramp to be taken through an x-ray-like machine. This was the start of my new life. I was finally on my own, away from family and friends. A totally new environment. I felt like I was gonna throw up- in a good way.

After a few minutes of waiting and tugging at my hair, I was finally able to walk out of the line and head to my checkpoint. I stared at my hand and bit my lip. 'God I hope my quirk will be enough...' I'm not saying my quirk is weak, but...UA is very competitive and I don't know who goes there...I'm just nervous I guess. I need to let it go. 'I'll be fine.' I nod to myself 'I'll be fine.' But I don't believe myself as I step onto the plane.

~14 hr plane ride skip later, provided by Shoto's Soba~

I jolted awake as someone tapped my shoulder. I looked over and quickly thanked them, then began to wipe the drool off the side of my mouth. Oh jeez what a long flight, but I was finally here. Musutafu, Japan. My nerves began to pick up again as I stood and grabbed my luggage, then shouldered my backpack on.

I slowly waddled out of the plane then began to quicken my pace as I made my way towards the exit of the airport. I smiled at people as I passed and resisted the urge to tug on my hair. A bad habit, I know. As I walked, my breath hitched as I saw someone with horns and sharp claws. 'Interesting quirk'. People in America don't usually have exotic or flashy quirks. Most don't have any quirks at all. But here...It was amazing. I felt more at home.

Once I reached the exit I looked around in confusion as to where I was supposed to go from here. I honestly didn't plan this far ahead. I'm guessing someone noticed because this beautiful young woman came up to me and smiled, "Lost?" She asked in Japanese. Thank the stars I was fluent. I nodded and smiled out of embarrassment, "Very. I'm coming from America, and I just need to find the bus to take me to my apartment." She grabbed her purse and began to rummage through it for a minute before she pulled out a small map.

She handed it to me and began to point out locations, explaining where to go and where to not go. She then finally pointed to the different bus stops I could possibly take. I told her where my apartment was and she nodded and pointed to a small building located on the furthest side of the map. "You should take this bus stop-" she pointed to another bus stop close to us. I nodded and smiled once again, "Thank you." I took a picture of the map and began to head on my way.

~Another time skip provided to you by Endeavour's bad parenting skills~

As I unlocked my apartment door and stepped in, I quickly shut it and screamed. That was the longest most painful trip of my life. I threw my keys on to the kitchen countertop and trudged to my room. I stared at the empty room and began to laugh. I totally forgot to buy furniture. Great. I stopped laughing and just sighed in defeat. 'Fine.' If life wants to do this to me then so be it.

I walked into my bathroom, peeled off my clothes, and took a long hot shower. Once I finished, I slipped into my hoodie and sweatpants and slept on the carpet floor. 'I'll have to buy a bed tomorrow.' I thought as I began to drift to sleep...

Then jolted awake. I totally forgot. tomorrow was also entrance exams. I sighed through my nose and closed my eyes. Alright. I'll do fine.

"Hey Liri, set alarm for 5 am."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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