👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Dear Health care workers

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2020 was hard for us and it was the same for you.
Sleepless nights, low PPE, wearing stifling and painful mask, you
endured it all.

For you, every day was hard and stressful but you fought through
it all.
There were many deaths but you saved many more lives.
Anxiety, depression and so much more.

We go through it and so do you,
But during these times we go through it more.
It might become too much and we try to ignore it,
But with your help, we can endure and fight it.

We are inside all day while your saving lives,
You're like a real-life superhero but with no cape.
You do have some things that all supers do,
A great personality and a very cool suit.

With your guidance, we save lives too,
By staying inside and wearing a mask,
And although it might be hard sometimes,
We stay six feet apart.

Nowadays, we are all afraid to be around people,
Hopefully one day that phobia might go away.
And all this will be stories in books,
And stories to tell our young ones.

But until then thank you healthcare workers and stay safe,
I hope you know "El Mayarah",
Which means stronger together in Kryptonese,
I hope you remember and forget,
Together we are stronger than being alone.

Dear Healthcare Workers 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Where stories live. Discover now